by Elizabeth Berg Earth is flying through the center of the Milky Way. So much is affecting us to evolve. We are experiencing a Leo burst of creative inspiration. What a brilliantly organized sentient system we reside in. Soul altering … Continue reading
Poetry by Elizabeth Berg We now have the Astro advantage of a great new start, of an opportunity to stop recreating the same old way to the same old frustrations. We’re sick of it. Acting differently right now is pure … Continue reading
by Alison Dhuanna, UK Astrologer If you have been following my writings you will know I am on a deep exploration of Venus in her cycle with the Sun, Moon and other planets. If you have just joined this train, … Continue reading
I hope all of you had a wonderful July 4 holiday. It is fun for the people in the USA to celebrate the birth of our country. It is like a large birthday party for everyone. There were many fireworks … Continue reading
by Alison Dhuanna, UK Astrologer We are in one of the most important phases of human history where genetically we are undergoing a mutation, but what is this towards? One of the terms used to describe the future human is … Continue reading
by Alison Dhuanna In the cycle of Venus and the Moon we reach Inanna’s mythical ascent through the ‘Sacral chakra’ portal on the 12th June 2021 just two days after the Solar Eclipse. This month’s Venus Moon conjunction (aka Kumari Kiss) … Continue reading
by Alison Dhuanna, UK Astrologer Are Astrologers always so excited? I feel that I am right now with the Solar Eclipse in Gemini and all the other many transits causing a lot of tension, but also, we see evolution pushing … Continue reading
Notes by Elizabeth Berg We are beings of illumination of a very high frequency, visiting earth at a lower frequency. We selected to journey through ‘self-created colored geometric energy’ of ALL that is, to this 3d plane at its greatest … Continue reading
After just going through a full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, 12 solar flares, Mercury in retrograde, Saturn retrograde, and Uranus coming around the bend to outrun Saturn, all I can say is “phew”!! Some people see these massive universal … Continue reading
Hello everyone! Here it is May 12th already so I am writing this article for both May and June. Time sure goes by fast these days. I think we are in fast-speed. There are many things going on in the world … Continue reading