By Dorene Carrel September is highlighted by Pluto going stationary direct in mid-month, bringing a new sense of empowerment into our lives. The New Moon in Libra follows this trend, being the fourth of six Super Moons for this year. … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: August 2011
Would you like to know how accurate Astrology is? Today is August 23, 2011 and this morning there was an earthquake just outside of Washington, D.C. at Richmond, Virginia. Washington D.C. is located on 13 degrees Cancer. This morning Mars … Continue reading
Come join us at this event. It should be lots of fun and bring something for the pot luck dinner that will be held after the meeting. Mahala From Energy Dowsers Events: OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Next Energy Dowers Meeting … Continue reading
Do you know how to dowse? It is a good tool to find out answers to your questions. Carol’s system teaches you how to do release work to release your trauma/drama energy from your life. Carol has come up with … Continue reading
Guest article from Mona @ Sacred Reconnections ~RIDING THE RELATION-SHIP~ So, if I were to ask for a show of hands from a group of 100 people, and said “How many of you are experiencing shifts and changes with your … Continue reading
My son wrote a very interesting article that I would like to share with my readers. It is about Intuition and Ego. Enjoy! Mahala Intuition & Ego I love exploring the intricate aspects of what it means to be human. … Continue reading
A picture before it passes through. Credit: AARTScope Blog … Continue reading
By Dorene Carrel August is a very dynamic month, with the potential for volatility. It features an active cardinal grand cross with Mars, Pluto, Uranus and Saturn, along with Mercury and Jupiter retrograde stations. An Eclipse point is triggered and … Continue reading
We just entered the Mayan Dreamspell New Year on July 26, 2011. This is the year of the White Wizard, also known as the torchbearer. This is the year we will be able to create a larger vision. The Wizard … Continue reading