by Alison Dhuanna
In the cycle of Venus and the Moon we reach Inanna’s mythical ascent through the ‘Sacral chakra’ portal on the 12th June 2021 just two days after the Solar Eclipse. This month’s Venus Moon conjunction (aka Kumari Kiss) will take place at 11 degrees Cancer 53’ aligned to Sirius so promises a strong connection to family and tribe and restoration of the pure geometric codes of forms. Where there is tension and unresolved conflict this may become more apparent perhaps through difficult issues being voiced by a member of the family; it is a very tense time but one with lots of possibilities for resolution if we stay open hearted and committed to building strong friendships and bonds.
The Sun at this time is still in Gemini conjunct Mercury in GK45 whose shadow is Domination, Gift Synergy and Siddhi Communion, so there is much support for this family healing to happen amid the tension of Mars opposing Pluto, where again we may see anger coming out where it has been repressed and in reaction to Domination. In addition to this we have Uranus conjunct the Mother Goddess Ceres in a challenging square to Saturn – with this aspect there may be urges towards freedom but seemingly Saturn blocks the path so we have to dig in and get creative or perhaps just be patient.
The Venus Moon conjunction as I said takes place in Cancer in Gene Key 39.3 named the Tension of Transcendance whose shadow is Provocation, gift Dynamism and Siddhi Liberation. Richard Rudd describes it as “Rooted in your adrenaline system, this 39th Gene Key is a highly dynamic code that is all about action. It has a gutsy, explosive and primal quality to it.” It a very interesting Gene Key when considered in relation to the Sacral Chakra and also the Mother Goddess Ceres #1 who governs attachment, food and our deepest patterns revealed through how and what we eat.
Richard Rudd in his book The Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose in your DNA talks about one aspect of this Gene Key which is connected with over eating replacing spiritual or creative food. We follow a longing or a desire for physical food, but actually it’s something deeper that we need.
Also repressed sexuality and creativity are very much connected with the sacral chakra. Weight gain or eating disorders can very much impact this part of the body not just physically but energetically when we don’t feel safe in our bodies. For anyone who has experienced abuse it is very difficult to find this safety and weight acts as a protection; the body finds a solution.
Another rather strange theme I’ve picked up on in this Venus Moon conjunction is that it seems a potent time where ‘evil’ may be faced down. I don’t use that word lightly and what I’m referring to are some of the sexual abuse and violence scandals being uncovered at the moment. I’ve recently been exploring the Uranian Hypothetical bodies feeling them at work in transforming consciousness. Kronos #H43 is also at 12 degrees Cancer in Gene Key 39.4 and is associated with this phenomenon of portal moments in time where these terrible things that have happened in human history can be healed. This is the symbol for Kronos, a
As all this corrupted sexual energy is healed there is a great potential for dynamism, the gift of Gene Key 39 to be released in the body. Dynamism comes when we allow our instinctual, wild self a place in the world again – and she/he is so much fun to be with! If you suffer from weight issues or fatigue, could it be related to these themes? This is a perfect time to offer prayers or ceremony for the purification and healing of this individual and collective wound even if that is simply to light a candle.
Another echo of this theme is that another of the Hypothetical planets Trans-Neptunian Isis, who would very much embody this creative sexual energy of the sacral chakra, is conjunct asteroids Lucifer and Babel in Virgo illuminating the quality of Transparency. My feeling is religious themes or wounds may be an important issue at the moment especially in how they have distorted sexual energy through shaming and repression.
There are some big energies around and lots of that tension sizzling in the air, so let’s ride the wave together.
Warmest wishes
I offer one to one readings on Zoom or you can be sent the reading by email, which includes the Goddess Asteroids Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, Juno, Astraea and Hygeia. Its a great opportunity to create some synergy with me and find out how these powerful planetary transits affect you individually. Please email me at for further information. In June and July, I am also offering readings which include Isis Trans-Pluto, Poseidon (Hypothetical bodies) and higher octaves of Venus and Neptune, and Asteroid Medusa and Dwarf Planet Salacia for no extra charge.
In the Autumn I will be leading a Gene Keys Activation sequence group online on a beautiful Kundalini Yoga platform called Soul Tribe ( Soul Tribe is already holding a non-hierarchical supportive space to blossom so the Activation Sequence I feel will be very powerful held in this membrane. The Activation Sequence begins an opening of specific codes within your DNA. If you enjoy reading about the Gene Keys I suggest reading The Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Potential in your DNA by Richard Rudd and also getting your free Hologenetic Profile at
Stunning, helpful, relevant and oh so loving. Alison, you are awesome⛩
Thank you Elizabeth