by Alison Dhuanna, UK Astrologer A lot of synchronicity has been happening around the Climate Change conference happening in Glasgow, Scotland, so read on for at optimistic view of what’s emerging. It is interesting, first of all, that this is … Continue reading
We are now in the season of fall and it is time to enjoy the beautiful trees as they start to change color and shine in all their glory. Spring and fall are my favorite seasons. I love it when … Continue reading
by Alison Dhuanna This month’s Venus Gate opening the Ajna center is immensely powerful. As Venus has been ascending, she has been initiating the small fearful self to the bold Immortal Self. The party begins with the New Moon on … Continue reading
by Alison Dhuanna, UK Astrologer So gentle and yet relentless, the powerful cosmic waves open us from finite, small and afraid to heroines and heroes, boundless and immortal. The sun caresses the pure white petals of the lotus in the … Continue reading
Welcome to September, the month of the Goddess energy. Today is September 6, and the night of the new moon which occurs at 5:51 PM tonight. This ushers in the Jewish holidays starting with Rosh Hashanah, which is their New … Continue reading
Update from Mona. Hello, my lovely clients, friends, and colleagues! As you well know, everyone is experiencing transitions. Since the past is over, we are approaching this New Wave and getting “Clarion Calls” from Spirit that a new time has … Continue reading
by Elizabeth Berg Did you ever think you might have volunteered for a peace and rebalancing mission on earth? Exactly where we are, is where our assignment is. You have a set amount of time to be an influence right … Continue reading
Hello everyone! How has life been treating you? Are you healthy, wealthy, and wise, or are you in chaos like most people are at this time? This chaos has been caused by the energy of Pluto making a square to … Continue reading
by Alison Dhuanna, UK Astrologer Today is an awesome New Moon in the Lion’s Gate, aligned with the Sacred Geometry of the rising star Sirius offering us such help in these transforming times. The New Moon today is at 16 … Continue reading
Guest post by Elizabeth Berg There was a time in our souls history when our goal was purely self-satisfying. In this incarnation at this remarkable time of the Ending of dark and the Illumination into Unity, this lifetime holds not … Continue reading