Just posting to let everyone know that I’ve posted the first three PDF files for the community members. As promised, you all now have an official Natal Wheel, a Cosmo Natal Report and a Major Life Themes report.
I’m sure you’ll all just jump in and start reading. Yet if you want a little more background on these two reports, please see the overviews that I did last month. Here are the two links: Cosmo Natal, Major Life Themes.
Remember, that to get to your file, you’ll want to visit the Reports page of the website and login using your Username and Password. The Username will be the email that you used to sign up and the password… Well, only you know that.
Once you are logged on and you visit the Reports page, you should see at least three posts for you.
I would encourage you to download the file to your own machine so that you have a record of it and even print it out (if you like hard copies).
As always, please check over the personal information displayed on your reports and let me know if it’s incorrect.
Coming soon… our first forecast report…