This post is to announce that there are a few more reports up for your enjoyment. If you are a community member, please login on the reports page to see your latest reports.
This is the Book of Destiny – Yearly, Karma and Money & Success reports. Please note that some card configurations do not have karma cards, thus a couple of you did not get karma reports. At this point, I don’t know if that is a good or bad thing. But I do know that it is what it is so I wouldn’t worry about it.
It’s worth noting that when I ran the Book of Destiny Reports for you, the report software requires that the birth card be selected for every report. To that, you can add other cards like your planetary ruler or the karma cards. So, with your karma reports, you’re going to find that the first half of the report is a repeat of your yearly report birth card. I wish I could have filtered that out, but it is what it is. We’ll just have to skip over it to get to the karma cards.
I hope you enjoy these reports. I find it fascinating how much things seem predetermined via this card system!
If you don’t know what our Community Program is, you’re missing out on the fun! Please check out our One Year Subscription. Most members have anywhere from 12-16 reports posted so far and I have a couple more in the works that should be posted within a couple weeks. I’ll let everyone know more about the reports closer to posting time.