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Signs in the Heavens

If the news has got you down, look up!

We have another comet approaching the sun. This one is Comet ATLAS (C/2019 Y4) has a gaseous comma that is currently about ½ the size of the sun. Here is a link from

Click image for animated GIF

It’s also worth pointing out that Venus is conjunct the Pleiades. Here is another picture from that shows the Moon, Venus and the Pleiades in a triangle on Saturday night.

For Mahala, posted by Dave



Signs in the Heavens — 1 Comment

  1. Thank you for your post! For more inspirational posts to shift focus and change perspectives, go to (be sure to click on the “posts” button on the left side menu, to see more on this site!):

    example found in the above site:
    “You don’t arrive to a new earth, it arrives through you!”

    Another inspirational post from someone else:
    “The age of believing is over… We’re in the age of knowing.” Cosmic Enlightenment

    Let go of the false learned ego… Be That what you have already; been, are and will Be… You are That! Namaste…

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