It is exciting to watch Mona go through the prelaunch phase for her next book – The Body Awakens – which will be available on the 9th of this month! The day before she made the video (that’s linked below,) she shared her manuscript with both Mahala and me (Dave). Can’t wait to read through it.
As you can see, I’ve linked in the cover graphic and the promotional video.
I’m sure Mona will cover more about this on her website:
I’m excited for her and excited to share this with you.
Hi Karen,
Thank you for sharing. I am excited for you and will make sure Mahala (and Mona) get this message.
Hi Mahala, I have been following your monthly newsletters and loving your work for some time now . I am not an astrologer but i feel a real connection with the planets and love your guidance. I have read guest articles in the past and enjoyed them but the September article with Mona reached me when i was obviously in the right space and ready to listen. I ordered her first book straight away and read it nearly non stop, I absolutely loved it. It was like i suddenly knew and accepted myself.
I have been blocking so much subconsciously due to the pain it brought up in me , always knowing what people were thinking and what their intentions were did not feel like a gift. I thought If i could try not to sense it i would have been oblivious like everyone else to the underlying meanings and energies it brought. I did not realise i was blocking so much more. I also connected to their pain and felt i must be doing something wrong. There is so much talk of negative energies and protection and cleansing! Everything Mona wrote in her book i recognised, i have ordered her new book and i am so looking forward to receiving it and learning and remembering so much more. I feel that i have found someone who truly knows me and has opened up a wonderful heart connection allowing me to explore ,uncover and be free to consciously share my gifts with the world Xxx. Thankyou Thankyou , Thankyou
Dave, thank you SO much for promoting this wonderful book, which in some ways, was channeled with information that Spirit wanted everyone to know! My appreciation goes out to you and our dear Mahala (who I have a strong sisterhood with!) May I also suggest if anyone wants a directional shift, or more clarity in your life, Dave does the BEST tarot readings I have ever experienced! His advice was priceless for me. Much love to all of us!!! Mona~