Guest article by Alison Dhuanna, UK Astrologer
On 1st October we enter Blue Magnetic Monkey wave spell and after some months of intense retrospection the energy is becoming light and playful. In this next phase there is an opportunity to develop ‘super consciousness’ if we can let go of the idea we need to be perfect and productive all the time.
Ceres the Mother Goddess has just moved into the sign of Leo the sign of creativity and the inner child. That Leo is one of the strongest signs of the zodiac, Fixed Fire, is a reminder of the importance of creativity and play in our lives especially ad adults.
Pluto and Saturn have now turned direct and so the more challenging energy with the 3 Goddess Asteroids Juno, Astraea and Hygeia in Capricorn has passed. One of the greatest forms of human alchemy is to be able to transform the energy of planets. For example Saturn may appear as obstacles and lack but offers a chance for a good pruning and focus. Pluto may appear as a person we feel is bullying us or an ending, but when we own our own Pluto power we take of the mantel of ‘victim’ and become co-creators with the universe.
This magical elixir of these Goddesses emerging supports Sacred Arts and expanding into natural rhythms. How can we consciously move into energy of harvest and Autumn at this time on this great cusp of changing light? Can we enjoy the journey into darkness and winter, at this most Yin time of year?
Vesta, Mercury and Jupiter are journeying with the Sun in the sign of Libra. This sign is all about balance and relationships. Our ability to play with others can show us a lot about where we struggle in relationships and play is the natural mechanism to address this too. There is something incredibly blissful when you feel a deep sense of belonging to a group. Sadly many people have not felt that since they were young children, or perhaps even not then and it is such a vitally important part of our human experience. It is the source of all sadness in our world.
Pluto in Capricorn is in a harmonious trine with the continuing Mars and Venus conjunction in Virgo. This should assist us to balance the Yang passion and action energies of Mars with the Yin artistic and beautiful energies of Venus. This conjunction can also bring increased ability to merge mind and heart as one.
The Grand Fire Trine between Saturn in Sag, North Node in Leo and Uranus in Aries continues. Good things are unfolding amidst the chaos of monumental social changes. It feels important just to hold the faith, that even if not in our lifetime know that Peace will come to Earth, and we just keep moving forward day by day with this clear intention. Bringing the quality of joy into our own life is as important as any other on this journey.
Gene Key Connections
At present the Sun is travelling through Gene Key 46. The Sidhi of this Gene Key is ‘Ecstasy’, The Gift ‘Delight’ and the Shadow ‘Seriousness’. This Gene Key of the moment once again is beautifully dove tailing the Wavespell and Astrology energy. How infinitely wise and beautiful the Creator is.
Here is a quote from Richard Rudd about Gene Key 46
“We humans have no real idea of the capacities of this body in which we live.
It can sip the nectar of a star when it’s correctly attuned.
It can make sweet love to another person just from thinking about them.
The body is a mirror of the macrocosm. It has so many jewels and treasures within it that we couldn’t explore them all if we had aeons. Our bodies are the great untamed wilderness. They’re the frontier, not the final frontier, the only frontier. We’ll never exhaust their abilities, their capacity for love and Ecstasy.”
– From the 46th Gene Key
Do you want to be more attuned to the stars? A Goddess Asteroid Astrology readings is a powerful way to achieve this merging with the archetypes most powerful in your energy field at the moment. An Astrology reading is a map to guide your decision and actions on your journey through life. Please contact me at for further details
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