Guest article by Alison
The energies in this next moon cycle are very intense and this is good news because the pressure is mounting to transform. Recently I read a fascinating article on Tom Kenyon’s website entitled ‘The Spiral of Ascension class handout’ where he refers to the work of Professor John Curtis Gower who has written a book Operations of Increasing Order which explains human evolution through the lens of quantum physics. In a nut shell the second law of thermo-dynamics says that the universe is a closed system where entropy or chaos is increasing. Human beings on the other hand have evolved to create order from this chaos and it is at intense periods of chaos that we have the greatest evolutionary potential for quantum leaps in consciousness.
This New Moon Annular Eclipse on the 1st September is in the sign of Virgo the Earth Goddess and in a challenging T-square to Neptune, South Node and Chiron opposite in Pisces and square to Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius. Neptune and Saturn are exactly square which is potentially very tricky. At this time we may feel our dreams are being dashed against the rocks and we may feel despair at what is happening around us as the chaos intensifies. Imagine in our collective progress we are near the top of a mountain and a storm comes in. Its time to take shelter, to take care of ourselves and others. Saturn’s challenge asks us to put into practical steps, to create the structures to support the dream. Steam which is the nebulous power of Neptune will simply dissipate without the engine of Saturn it could potentially power.
The Goddess asteroids provide keys to move into the new consciousness and often may seem counter intuitive. Venus, Astraea Goddess of the Sacred Arts and Hygiea Goddess of natural rhythms of nature are all in Libra and ask us to focus on beauty and taking care of ourselves. Are we living in the increasing pressure of manmade time or are we living in galactic time? Most of us reading this are living in both and now we need to really step back from the rat race and use intention, dreaming and art in many forms to vision the New Earth and connect strongly with her incredible beauty and vitality. Vesta is in Cancer and opposing Pluto so women in spiritual roles may come under attack from the patriarchy at this time. Vesta in Cancer asks us to remember that she is Goddess of the Hearth of the home. Spirituality is not something that belongs to the patriarchy or in buildings of any kind exclusively. Spirituality begins in our own home, with our own family and friends maintaining the sacred bonds of community. We may create rituals to ensure this. When we take care of each other in small groups this resonates out into the world.
At Brexit both Ceres and Eris were conjunct Uranus and Eris is still there and Cres has moved into Taurus. Perhaps the most important message of this eclipse cycle is our deep need to tune into the Sovereignty of the Earth Goddess and her ancient and new frequencies. My feeling from the work I’ve done with Eris is that she is an important part of our evolutionary process in our brains being able to grasp the holographic nature of reality. Time does not exist, we are all but grains of sand which is a humbling thought in multiple parallel universes. New Earth already exists, she is vibrant and alive the way she was before humans started their ignorant plunder. We must turn to our elders on this planet the Indigenous people for vital information on how to live properly upon the Earth. I urge you if you have not already to watch the film Aluna which is a message from the Kogi people of Columbia.
Tom Kenyon has recently released some free healing music specifically channelled to help people at this time. In 9 minutes a day you can tune into these multi-dimensional frequencies in a powerful way through sound healing and stay chilled in what looks to be a stressful time ahead. There is a global project to listen each day for 40 days so please check it out at
I do individual birth charts by skype so please get in touch at
Thank you great article, it answers many question for me.
I have worked in this field for 49 yrs and I am so happy to have good people like you to help and share.
The dream situation you spoke of in your article was amassing
as I know I am working in the 5th dem. and others. I have had gift of vision since I was born and this is really a eye opener and a challenge.
Light Love and Many Blessings Laura
My sentients exactly. To learn from.Elders Of indigenous people, This is top of tbe agenda. For new governance., Thanks for your input on that important. Subject.