Are you ready to move out of the Matrix and be free from control? Are you enjoying the chaotic energy that seems to be affecting everyone these days? Some people are really happy and others are depressed and in chaos. There have been a lot of changes and transformation occurring, and it has been a challenge to stay in a neutral state of mind as people around us are becoming unbalanced. This energy seems to be up one day and down the next. This is due to the intense waves of energy that are affecting Earth right now.
We just entered the month of September with a solar eclipse and eclipses affect a lot of people. It is like the light is dimmed for a period of time. The solar eclipse was on September 1, 2016. And in numerology this day adds up to a number one because (9+1+9) =19 or 1. Number one indicates a new beginning in some way. There was a wave of energy that hit us on August 30th a little before the eclipse. I felt this energy very strongly and it made me dizzy. The effects of this wave were felt up until the eclipse on September 1st. There are more energy waves to come as we move through September.
There was a T cross in the heavens at the time of this past solar eclipse. The sun and moon were in Virgo, Neptune was in Pisces and Saturn was in Sagittarius. Neptune is the planet of illusion and brings in new time-lines and other dimensional events. Maybe you are seeing people from the other side, or maybe you have had a lost time event, or maybe you just feel out of energy and don’t want to do anything. If so, you are feeling Neptune energy. The energy from this eclipse will continue for several months.
This past eclipse was on nine degrees Virgo. This degree means “The growth of true understanding, born out of the transcendence of duality even while immersed in the world of duality”. Basically this means that it is time to let go of any baggage you are still carrying around with you. Look at your old events with new eyes and change your perception of how you perceived these events. Look at it in a different way and change your image of it. Change how you perceived it and that will change your life for the better.
The next eclipse will be a lunar full moon on September 16, 2016. There we have the number 16 again. We have been experiencing the number 20 and 16 all year. The number 20 Tarot card is Judgment, and the number 16 card is The Tower Struck with Lightning where everything changes and structures collapse. We have really experienced that energy all year. Look at how many changes have occurred in your life, and look at how many houses and structures have collapsed in earthquakes, floods, fires and volcanic eruptions.
This upcoming lunar eclipse will bring in the energy of the number16 and that will be a double whammy. It is also on the degree of “Mary and her little lamb which means that we will need to keep a vibrant and pure simplicity at the core of our being as we meet the many tests of existence”. We will start feeling the energy of nonviolence in our world. Let there be peace in the world and let it begin with me.
At this lunar eclipse the sun will be conjunct Mercury in opposition to the moon and Chiron, the healing planet. Mars will be on the degree of consciously accepting the ways of a new stage of experience, in readiness for the opportunities it will present. That sounds good to me.
The planet Mars will be in a trine to Uranus, which is still conjunct the dwarf planet Eris on the full moon eclipse. Both Uranus and Eris have a tendency to stir things up. I think the energy affecting Donald Trump will be very challenging from the solar eclipse to the lunar full moon. Mars will be opposing his Uranus, north node, and his sun. This energy will also affect Hillary in a challenging way. We’ll see how this strong energy works out for both of them.
This upcoming full moon will really stir up the energy. It is up to us how we respond to the energy that is presented to us. We can respond in a positive way or in a negative way. Shortly after this full moon we will have the Fall Equinox on September 22ndand Mercury goes direct on that day. The sun enters into the sign of Libra to join Jupiter which will be in that sign for one year. Libra is known as a peaceful sign. There is always an energy surge that comes in at the time of the solstices and the equinoxes. Scientists have measured this energy and have proven there actually is a measurable energy surge at that time.
I believe the Earth itself will be jumping a time-line sometime between mid – September and the end of the month. Others say by the end of this year. Those who are ready will move and actually live on 5D earth. Many of us have been manifesting 5D consciousness and higher already but we have been living in a lower vibration Earth. It’s my understanding that 6D is the energy of magic and miracles. If you have been experiencing miracles in your life than you are living in 6D consciousness. The energy of sound is 7D energy and we all have sound around us in one way or another. Pretty music is very relaxing. When we reach 8D we will be out of the Matrix and free to explore and live in a different way.
We jumped a time-line in 1987 when we moved into 4D. That dimension has been very hard to go through and it has taken us a long time. That is the psychic realm and the realm of the controllers. It’s like the astral realm where anything can happen. The 3D and 4 D realms are where the wars and violence exist. We will move out of that dimension shortly. When we are out of 4D, wars will cease to exist.
Then we have the continuing Earth changes that are getting stronger every year. There have been lots of storms and flooding all over the world and these storms will continue to happen, especially along the East Coast USA and China. We are also in the time of fire because of Mars, Saturn and Uranus in fire signs.
What else is in our heavens that could be causing a lot of these changes? Could it be Planet X? Many people claim to have seen, and have pictures of this planet next to our sun. I was sent a very interesting video about Planet X causing the full moons in June, July, and August to turn blood red. Now we have another full moon eclipse coming up on September 16th. Will this moon turn blood red also? Could this be the real prophecy of four blood moons in a row? Watch this video and see what you think. Type into your search engine “Blood Red Moon and Nibiru Aug 21 video“.
We do live in interesting times! It is so important to keep yourself cool, calm and collected as these events come to pass. These energy waves can come in and cause all kinds of ascension symptoms in our bodies that are sometimes hard to deal with at the time. Just remember that you will make it through these waves although it is easier to do so if you are in a state of serenity. May you be blessed with lots of loving people in your life and may joy fill your heart to overflowing. My love to you, So Be It! Mahala Gayle
Happy birthday to me (Sept 13th) and to other Virgos, may you be blessed with a wonderful year to come.
Happy birthday to you! & mine was on the 10th. Thank you for your postings; always very interesting!
Dear Mahala, wishing you a wonderful new beginning on your birthday.
thank you for the explanation on the solar eclipse of 1st. Sept. I felt it very strongly too and was “sick” for 3 whole days with dizziness and body aches. No cold or flu.
Why is that that some people are more subject to reacting to these energies? What do I need to learn so that they do not affect me in such a way? Or should I take it as a positive event?
Also do you have any comments on how astrological events are affecting the Middle East and Europe? Will peace prevail at some point?
Thank you Daphnee
I hope you have a Wonderful Birth Day. Thanks for all the info it really helps me. I wish you – great health, happiness, Joy,peace and Love.
Happy Birthday, Mahala. Many blessings and wishes come true for your Solar Return on September 13th. And, thank you too for your blessings, as I am a September 10th baby.
Thanks much!! Been experiencing the dizziness, (a friend has been too), as well as several other huge changes. Happy birthday on the 13th!! Sept 14th for me.
Peace, Love and light to all.
Thank you and Happy Birthday I’m the 14th;)
Happy Birthday Mahala, thanks for your wisdom and work, very appreciated. May we all be living in 5D and higher!
P.S. WHOA!! I just saw the Blood Moon video! I moved into my new house on August 19th! after leaving my Co. home in Sept. 2015!& getting sidetracked via Sedona & homeless basically until the Blood Moon day last month…little wonder I trust the universe!! Thankyou Mahala for your “intervention”.
Happy birthday, Beloved Lightworker & many thanx for your perceptions & wisdom. My day is the 18th & I have been buffeted with Uranus on north node for many weeks along with other tight aspects as I have been trying to find deep peace in a major move so I can begin my true life purpose work in Ca. Your work & the wondrous Casey report have been so uplifting & heartening. Bless your life!
Just before and at the time of the Sept. 1 eclipse, I was experiencing lightheadedness and a feeling that I could be blown over easily. It was unsettling. I feel very unsettled driving on the highway like never before as people are driving erratically, too fast, and without consideration of who is next to them. My birthday is on 9/10, and I am looking forward to experiencing Jupiter going into my money house! Really hoping for an expansion of money-making opportunities over the next year! Thank you for these wonderful astrological insights!
May your birthday be amazing and your new year too! Thank you for sharing! Quantum Physics (depending on who you read~!) speaks of 11 dimensions… Others talk about more (one source speaks of 28), another goes from a different bent concerning intra-dimensions and parallel lives (instead of just multi-dimensions)… The question you have to ask yourself is, how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go (in reference to “Alice in Wonderland” and “What the Bleep Do We Know?!”…)… Can you be multidimensional (and so on) and still “be here now”?! The answer is, yes! In every moment we decide, and then there are those who choose to be “limitless” (encompassing All) therefore not being torn in different directions (dimensions)… A great example of how to shift perspective, from an integrated scientific and spirit perspective is on youtube…–_R6xThs … May the peace that defies all understanding emanate from within and spread in all areas of your life! Blessings and Namaste…
Wishing you a Happy Birthday and a wonderful and joyful life. Thank for being there, for being a Big Light!
With much Love 🙂
Thank you Mahala your explanation on planetary activity has explained what I feared was a serious medical event; you have clarified the chaos I’ve been experiencing over this past month – possibly coming to a head on 16th. I always look on ‘The Tower’ as a positive ……out of the ashes etc., etc.
Many blessings always and much joy for your birthday
Happy birthday Mahala! Mine is on the 10th.
Thank you! The sept alert was profound and so sweet was the energy. Happy Birthday and may blessings flow richly in your life!
Thank you for another wonderful astrology report! I follow several astrologers but you are truly my favorite! You are so articulate and such a positive Lightwkrker too! Have a very happy birthday on September 13! My Love to you too!
Obviously I meant “sharing” insights. Sorry.
Happy Birthday. I look forward to your alerts and find many answers in each one. Thank you for all the years of searching your insights with us.
Happy Birthday to you on the 13th.
” I felt this energy very strongly and it made me dizzy. The effects of this wave were felt up until the eclipse on September 1st.” Oh man oh man. I felt twisted like a pretzel during these 2 days (8/29 and 8/30.) I knew what it was but that didn’t take it away. Thank you for sharing with us. xo