Guest article by Dorene Carrel from AstroConnections.
September is a very active month, highlighted by a Solar Eclipse in Virgo and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. There will also be two planetary stations (Mercury and Pluto), along with two New Moons, and Jupiter changing signs from Virgo to Libra. Growth through relationships is a strong theme. As the month begins, Mercury is retrograding in Virgo until September 21, allowing us time to review and make corrections along the way. Communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings. The Fall Equinox occurs on September 22, providing an energy boost for important new beginnings.
This month has a relatively rare occurrence of two New Moons that bookend the first and last days of the month. On September 1, the New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs at 9 Virgo. This lunation aligns with the North Node, opposes Neptune, squares Mars/Saturn and trines Pluto. As a square to Mars is found in all three lunations this month, this is a volatile and dynamic month that calls for both caution and personal courage. The Eclipse and North Node provide a high growth potential, allowing us to more easily release the Saturn/Neptune traits of denial, guilt, blame and victimhood, and emphasize the higher Virgo traits of discernment and purification. Pluto will assist us in taking a deeper approach. On a more practical level, we can clean out and recycle what is old and outworn, as well as volunteer our services. The Sabian symbol for this degree, “Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows,” indicates the transcendence of duality and growth of true understanding.
On September 9 Jupiter enters Libra for the next thirteen months. Jupiter tends to amplify both the highest and lowest traits of the sign it is in. There will be more focus on relationships, equality, diplomacy and cooperation, while the shadow side can bring more intense competition and indecisiveness.
The last exact square of Saturn and Neptune occurs on September 10, which is also amplified by the Solar Eclipse (see above). At this time it’s easier to get stuck in the emotions of despair and disillusionment. However, if we can release our fears and perceive the higher purpose in our life events, we will have come a long way.
The Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse occurs on September 16 at 24 Pisces. It aligns with Chiron, opposes Mercury and squares Mars. Since this lunar eclipse is in a water sign, it accentuates our feelings and emotions. Chiron can bring an emotional healing experience, while Mercury helps us to form meaningful concepts and ideas. We may become more aware of increased sensitivity, along with the need to honor our boundaries. There is an opportunity to deepen our higher intuitive senses for receiving inner guidance. The Sabian symbol keynotes for these degrees, “The social acknowledgment of a job well done and a destiny fulfilled,” and “The power of the Soul to intervene in the personal life and to induce necessary catharses,” speak to the potent evolutionary energies of these two eclipses.
On September 21, Mercury turns stationary direct at 15 Virgo. This is followed by the Autumn Equinox on September 22 and a Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Libra on September 25. Certain ideas and plans may have been incubating within us the past month that can now be moved forward into the outer world. We see our life from a broader perspective and are more likely to feel optimistic about the future. Pluto turns stationary direct on September 26 at 15 Capricorn, which can signal a powerful period of transition and transformation. On September 27, Mars enters Capricorn, allowing us to take action in the world with more discipline, structure and organization.
The second New Moon occurs on September 30 at 8 Libra. It is aligned with Jupiter, Neptune, Mars, Pluto and Saturn. Libra rules partnerships and its themes include striving for balance, equality, fairness and diplomacy. Neptune attunes us to our higher ideals, while allowing us to move beyond illusion and deception. Jupiter helps us see everything from a broader perspective. Mars and Pluto can assist us to release outmoded beliefs getting in our way, while Saturn helps us stay grounded and on track. The Sabian symbol for this degree, “Three ‘old masters’ hanging on the wall of a special room in an art gallery; the need to return to source during a confused search for new value in a chaotic society,” suggests that it is favorable to turn to our spiritual practices of meditation, journaling, yoga, etc. to help us absorb the spiritual downloads from the eclipses and other dynamic transits of this month.
October features a New Moon in Scorpio for Halloween. Blessings to all!
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Dorene Carrel is a professional astrologer with over thirty years of experience. Donations towards this column are appreciated. Paypal accepted. Please use my email, as reference.
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All references to Sabian symbols are from An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformation and Its 360 Symbolic Phases, by Dane Rudhyar.
I love your Sabian symbols, great pictures in words to help us through this September’s great changes ,
Thanks EL, I appreciate your kind words.
Thank you! This report feels nurturing and assists me with what I’m experiencing. Thank you for your insights and information. Awesome work, I’m in gratitude for your work.
Completely amazing report… Too many speak of what is “wrong”, with no insights for “shifting our perspective”, in order to progress towards our “greatest Being and truth”… You did so with grace and elegance, thank you! Blessings to you and all you love!