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I Am Presence by Rev. Brian T Roberts

Here is a book on how to open your Diamond Heart through the 12 activations that are in this book. They are fun to do and I have listened to his DVD called I am Meditation for a long time. I enjoy it very much and find it relaxes me a lot. Please check out his book. It is now on

YOU can take the step from the outer world of the personality, the cords, chaos, challenges and confusion into the light of YOUR own Inner Self.

Work with the Light, the Violet Flame, Affirmations, Invocations, Mantras for Healing, Guided Meditations. Become an instant facilitator with the recorded Activations.

The Diamond Heart Energy Activations are a proven source of

Guidance, Direction and Inspiration.


Brian Roberts has been a close friend of mine for over twenty years. Our friendship began at the Chalice Chapel in Seattle where he had his wellness practice and our group the Esclepius of Light held its Sunday meetings. He has a keen sense of wholeness about him as a body-worker, movement advocate, hypnotherapist, mantra meditation initiator, ministerial counselor, professional Dowser and practitioner of the Alpha Brain Body Balancing. After he left the Chapel I know he got busy with his music and then managed to synthesize all of the healing modalities, original music compositions, mantras, affirmations, invocations and guided meditations into his most powerful Activations and Workbook, the “ I AM Presence” and Diamond Heart Energy Activation’s.

The world has many naturally gifted people in it, each of them fulfilling a destiny and covenant with Spirit. Many can execute their skills in the arts but few are able to articulate the message, activate the spirit and liberate and teach the individual as Brian does.  Over the years I have called upon him to do his remote energy clearing work for others and myself and always to be naturally abundantly satisfied. He walks in the Tao. He is humble. He inspires us because he knows the keys for the Ascension process, to meditate, to be of service, to study and keep challenging oneself onward & upward.

I have completed the 12 week I AM Diamond Heart Energy Activations and work with his recorded 12 minute I AM meditation on many days. I love it. To be able to receive the whole program of all 12 Activations, MP3’s, with the workbook now discounted from $175 to $24.97 is just great. I recommend this program for everyone in spiritual work and especially for healers, energy workers. The program intentions, affirmations, music and meditations restore the soul and spirit.



On Amazon Now   : I AM Presence : Brian Roberts

Brian can be reached at


I Am Presence by Rev. Brian T Roberts — 1 Comment

  1. How many hoops do you need to jump through to become enlightened? NONE! We all are already fully enlightened Beings, “enlightenment” (in-light-I-n-meant)!… Only the “stuff” we are told and then adopt about “not” being enlightened, is what keeps us in the dark, from fully Being everything “we all already are?! Stop believing and just Be.

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