Cosmic Contacts with Pam and Mahala World Astrologer [Editor: updated with correct date].
Pam’s announcement for Monday:
Hello Everyone, Welcome to the Cosmic Contacts Show with Pam.
To easily access the show go to, scroll past Searchers Roadmap to my show this Monday, 9/8/2014 6:30 pm CST or 4:30 pm PCT.Get ready for a great show with Mahala ‘World Astrologer,‘ famous Writer, Lecturer and Minister.
Mahala has been sharing her predictions for over 30 years. Her interviews are extremely knowledgeable interesting and enlightening.
A frequent guest on the show Mahala will tell us what is in store for September and how to handle the intense changes we might be experiencing.
Mahala offers Edgar Cayce Past Life Readings for a $30.00 donation.
If you are interested in receiving one of these charts please email Mahala at and put reading in the subject line. Sign up for her monthly newsletter
Editor: Monday the 8th.
Hi Monday is 9/8. So when is the radio show?