Hi everyone! My article will be late this month because I have been kind of under the weather with a sinus infection which went into my eye. My sinus challenge is almost over although my eye is still bothering me.
I will be on Pam’s radio show on Monday September 8th at 4:30 pm PDT on Blog Talk Radio. You can catch up on what is going on by listening to the program either when it is on at 4:30 pm, or on the archive.
I will send you an announcement before Monday the 8th and a link to the program after it is over.
I hope to get my article written by mid September.
Lots of love to everyone!
Dear Mahala Gayle,
I hope you’re feeling better by now. I’ll try to listen on Monday. Take care 🙂
There is no need to get a virus which produces nasal infections. You live too far north to get yearly vitamin D from the sun. I would suggest looking into taking Vitamin D-3(8,000 IU’s) a day when you can not get full sun for a least 20 minutes a day between 10am and 4 pm. My family and I had the same problem until about 6 years ago when I fired my Medical Doctor for trying to treat my nasal infection with steroid inhalants. After searching online and trying different ideas for a year I concluded that most people(especially in the USA) have a severe Vitamin D deficiency.
The Sun gives us Life. Not getting enough natural sun and slapping chemicals on our bodies takes life away.
I hope this is helpful for anyone reading this.
Jeff Baker.
Dear Mahala,
Sending you ribbons of rainbow light to confort your sinus and eyes. I too am having blurring,eyes glued together in morning when I awake???? I send my blessings for your quick reovery. Love, Maureen, your long time reader