Guest article by Dorene Carrel @
April is a very dynamic and powerful month, and likely the most critical one of the whole year. It contains two eclipses, a stationary Pluto and a rare cardinal grand cross. Any one of these planetary events could make for an eventful month, but having four of them together is quite significant. The ongoing cycle of Uranus square to Pluto will also be at its peak during April 20-23. The main themes for this cycle revolve around power issues, freedom and transforming changes.
We begin the month under an Aries New Moon, which was exact on March 30. This lunation aligned with Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter, which triggered the cardinal cross pattern that initiates major transformation. Aries is a pioneering type of energy that encourages energetic new beginnings. We are also still under a retrograde Mars in Libra until May, which is the path of the peaceful warrior and finding balance in relationships.
Throughout this month, faster moving planets will be setting off the ongoing cardinal cross. This is the case on April 1-3, when the Sun in Aries aligns with Uranus on April 2 and makes hard aspects to both Jupiter on April 1 and Pluto on April 3. Life events may seem exaggerated now and we are tempted to overextend ourselves, as new events and information seem to appear from many directions. It is best to strive for simplicity this week, and tackle what seems most important to our own goals. Conflicts may arise when the Sun opposes Mars on April 8 to complete the cardinal cross. At this time we may need to take a stand for our ideas, but be open to cooperate and compromise with significant others.
Pluto in Capricorn turns stationary retrograde on April 14. Planetary energies become stronger as they slow down to turn either direct or retrograde. Power and control issues can come to the forefront at this time, and stagnant situations may undergo change. Mercury in Aries also aspects Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter at this time, which can bring startling new information or intuitive ideas that provide a better perspective.
The Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse occurs on April 15 at 25 Libra. Eclipses are extra potent full and new moons that can initiate life changes if they align with one’s personal planets or angles. Their effects can begin one month before and up to six months after the eclipse is exact. This total eclipse in Libra activates the areas of relationships, partnerships and finances; Libra traits emphasize seeking harmony, equality and fairness. This North Node eclipse can bring important new beginnings to these areas. It also aligns with the asteroids Ceres, Vesta and Juno, which also emphasize equality, the feminine principle and unity with nature. The Sabian symbol keynotes for these degrees suggest new potentials, as well as the ability to discover in every experience a transcendent or cosmic meaning.
The cardinal grand cross reaches its peak from April 20-23 at 13-14 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn. This pattern is said to result in breakdowns and/or breakthroughs, and cause a great amount of stress in the process. Usually it is from something that has been building up that can no longer be ignored and a new response is required. We may be able to avoid the breakdowns by making needed changes to the troubled life areas. This degree area is said to be one of the most powerful places in the zodiac, according to Bill Meridian in Horoscope Magazine. He states that it represents a point of equilibrium, and that people who have planets at these degrees frequently feel caught between opposing forces. These aspects also closely connect to the US Sun at 13 Cancer, so the economy may become more volatile at this time.
The force of this grand cross pattern can be seen through recent sudden earth changes such as the giant landslide here in Washington, along with new earthquakes in Los Angeles. It is highly favorable now to be prepared with emergency supplies. This grand cross period is the most powerful of the three other grand cross periods, with the first occurring last December and the third occurring in June of this year.
The New Moon, Solar Eclipse occurs on April 28 at 9 Taurus. This lunation is aligned with Mercury and in favorable aspect to Pluto, Neptune and Jupiter. This is a South Node eclipse, which may bring some challenges in the financial area. There is a focus on releasing what is outgrown before starting new beginnings. Pluto and Neptune will assist us in releasing what is not needed and surrendering to a higher power. Mercury and Jupiter bring in new information and perspective to the Taurus areas of possessions and values. The Sabian symbol for this degree, “A Fully Decorated Christmas Tree,” suggests that we may already have the resources and abilities necessary to achieve our goals at this time.
Mars turns direct in mid-May. Blessings for a prosperous month!
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Dorene Carrel is a professional astrologer with over thirty years of experience, offering birth chart and transit/progression readings. For more information, contact Dorene at Donations to support this column are always appreciated.
All references to Sabian symbols are from An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformation and Its 360 Symbolic Phases, by Dane Rudhyar.
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