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Reconstruction of the Archives

Note from the administrative assistant; Dave (one of Mahala’s sons).

In the process of developing this website, I have had the honor of rebuilding the archives from all the Planet Alerts spread all over the web. It is truly amazing how many people the Planet Alert newsletter has reached and how many people archived some collection of articles that they shared with their readers.

I would like to say thank you! Thank you for making the newsletter available for your readers, Google and me.

As you might notice, the archives now contain many of the Planet Alert newsletters, but not all. There are a few missing months amongst the many years. Hopefully, those newsletters will be found and reposted here in the near future – that is, if I can get your help.

If you have an old Planet Alert newsletter that cannot be found in the archives, please let me know. It would be nice to be able to completely fill out the series by reproducing what you have here. The administrative email for this site is

I would also like to take a second to give special thanks to a couple sites that archived more than just a few articles. Those sites include: GodLikeProductions, AngelFire and RumorMillNews.

Thank you,



Reconstruction of the Archives — 3 Comments

  1. Hi Helene, Glad to see you’ve found MahalasAstrology. Sorry the process of subscribing is not all that intuitive. But, now that you’ve made it, you should get emails when Mahala postes new articles.

  2. I have just found this site and signed up . . . but I would like to share that “The Blue Fluff” is not mentioned in Google at all! I checked this a.m.

    Do you suppose it has been removed?

    I don’t really know if I’m sending this comment to the right person/place, but perhaps you will direct it . . .

    Thank you,
    Jean Haines

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