If you’re going to analyze an entity using astrology, you need to seriously consider the birth time. When dealing with a person’s time of birth, you generally don’t have to look too far because it’s common practice to record that time on the birth certificate. Yet, you still have to consider the human element regarding that time. Did the doctor look at the clock at the birth instant? Was the umbilical cord cut first? Was there anything else that needed to be done before the clock was referenced? How much time passed before the moment of birth was recorded?
This can be significantly more complex when trying to figure out the birth time of something else, specifically if there is no certificate. Many astrologers won’t even work with a client if the client doesn’t have an accurate birth time. Why? Because the rising sign, midheaven and moon location are so important to the overall personality and a shift of a few minutes could easily change the sign of any of these. Keep in mind that there are twelve houses, thus the wheel rotates through a sign in about two hours. The Moon moves 13 degrees every day, which means it moves more than 1/3 of a sign in this interval.
If you practice mundane astrology, the birth times may, of may not be available to you. The research that you do regarding the time accuracy will determine the level of confidence that you have in the time that you’ve selected. You might also need to provide some type of argument to support the reason(s) why you performed the reading that you did at that particular time.
The reason for this is that it determines the scope of accuracy. If you know the exact time, everything (meaning the rising sign, the houses and all the planets) can be read and interpreted to their full extent. If you know that the birth time was early morning, say, somewhere between 2 and 6 am, you know have a time window that spans three houses. As an example, does the person have Scorpio, Sagittarius or Capricorn rising? When dealing with some organization, the best research may indicate that the ‘birth time’ was somewhere in a particular week of time. In this case, every sign is up for analysis and the moon could be in any of a few signs. There could be a number of aspects that the Moon made during this time and you won’t be able to include those specific aspects in your interpretation.
So, what does that mean for the mundane astrologer? It means that the confidence scale slides from the slower moving planets into the faster moving ones and then into the houses and the exact house (if the exact time is known). As an example, Uranus traverses the chart in 84 years. This puts it in each sign for about 7 years. Saturn, 2 ½ years, Jupiter 1 year, etc. (Quick Search Planetary Movements for all the planets.) The more accurately you define the birth time, the more detail you can use in your report.
Now, how does all this relate to the crypto currency Litecoin?
Well, we need to ask the question – when is the moment of life for Litecoin?
One of the coolest things about this project is that many of the different crypto currencies, including this one, have time stamps in each of the data blocks. This includes the first block. After doing a short search online, I found a website that displays information about the first Litecoin block. Follow THIS LINK to view that data. Notice that it decodes the block information so the time is easy to read.
GMT: Friday, October 7, 2011 7:31:05 AM
Your time zone: Friday, October 7, 2011 12:31:05 AM GMT-07:00 DST
So, do we simply accept this as the ‘time of life’ for Litecoin? Or do we look deeper?
Well, I want to know if the currency was functioning at that this point in time or just in a pre-functioning published state. To see these types of details, we want to look at the block history. Here is A LINK to that block history. If you follow that link, you’ll get to a page that shows the first couple thousand mined blocks. If you scroll to the bottom, you’ll see the genesis block and then all the rest that follow.
Now this is curious, notice that the genesis block happened on October 7th, 2011 but there was no consistent output until October 13th, 2011. Litecoin was designed to process blocks four times faster than Bitcoin, thus we would expect to see a block published every two and a half minutes. The first few blocks which got recorded over these first few days hints that the system might not have really been fully ‘alive.’ Yet when it starts pumping out blocks, those blocks get recorded at a rate much faster then the designed interval. In either case, the activity after block #3 looks steady, the few before that don’t.
So, which is it? The block published on the 7th, or where the steady activity starts on the 13th?
This is where we need to take what we know about the Litecoin community and go investigate to see which time represents the personality that we have witnessed about this project.
To do this, we can run a natal report on both times and read what we know will be different between the two charts. Because these two times are about six days apart, we know that the rising signs, the midheaven, and the positions of the planets in ALL houses will be different. And, the Moon has moved about 75 degrees, so everything about the moon will be different.
Here are the links to the two natal reports:
I’ve included the key data at the end of this post regarding the location of the planets for each time.
The first key difference is the rising signs for each. The genesis block has Cancer rising and the 3rd block has Leo rising. Let’s look at the difference.
“Cancer Rising:
You appear gentle and soft, and you act rather reserved with others until you know them well and feel it is safe to be open with them. You have a strong need for emotional security and a sense of belonging, and are deeply attached to the past: your heritage, roots, family, cherished friends, familiar places, etc. Making radical changes or moves away from what is known and safe can be very painful and difficult for you. You tend to cling and hold on to people, memories, possessions of personal or sentimental significance. Having a home, a safe haven, is very important to you.”
“Leo Rising:
Ferociously proud and somewhat vain, you like to be impressive and to be seen as Somebody Special. You are not timid, meek, or self-effacing, and are rarely content being in the background or in the subordinate position. You are a natural leader, and do not take orders from others very well. You must have something of your own, something creative – be it a business, a project, a home or whatever – that you can develop and manage according to your own will and vision. Whatever you do, you do it in a unique, dramatic, individual way. You like to put your own personal stamp on it.”
To me, the Cancer description is the obvious choice between the two.
For the Sun. The genesis block:
“Sun in 4th house:
You are a private person and inclined to withdraw in very public and impersonal social settings. You prefer to work at home or in a very personal small business.
You invest a lot of your creative energy into your home, your family, and your inner life.”
Versus block #3
“Sun in 3rd house:
The urge to learn and to communicate is essential to you, and you express yourself very well through writing, teaching or sharing ideas and information. You are persuasive and fluent with language.
Restless and inquisitive, you enjoy being mobile and taking short trips and excursions in order to see for yourself what is going on in the world around you.”
Sun in the 4th house seems more accurate, but it could go either way. Skipping a few, let’s look at Mars. For the genesis block:
“Mars in 1st house:
You are a doer and an achiever. Energetic, courageous, and often impatient, you will forge ahead with your plans regardless of others’ reservations. In fact, you often feel other people get in your way and you prefer working on your own. You are active, assertive, and rather competitive as well.”
Versus block #3
“Mars in 12th house:
Asserting yourself and being direct and forceful about what you want is very often difficult for you. Though you may have a great deal of energy and drive, you lack confidence or simply the desire to put yourself and your interests first. Positively you can be very unselfish, working more on behalf of others rather than for yourself.
You deny your own desires and needs too much, however, and you are likely to secretly become very angry, which will sabotage your finest efforts.”
I would again lean towards the description presented in the genesis block. Let’s skip ahead again to the Uranus house description. The genesis block:
“Uranus in 9th house:
You are unconventional, even iconoclastic, in your attitude toward religion, philosophy, and politics. You tend to see traditional religion as restrictive, meaningless ritual with little to offer you, and you’re eager to experiment with other, alternative pathways. You have lots of creative, innovative ideas and you often feel that others are unwilling to take risks and venture out of their deeply ingrained perspectives and views.”
Versus block #3
“Uranus in 8th house:
Your life is characterized by sudden disruptions and events which change the direction of your life quite unexpectedly. You may be impatient and reckless at certain times, impulsively acting out your urge for new life and change. You are an emotionally complex person and you are capable of intense, unexpected outbursts of feelings and desires.
If you share material assets and resources with another person (as in a marriage or business partnership), your fortunes are likely to fluctuate wildly or change quickly for better or worse.”
Again, the genesis block seems to represent what I see unfolding in the Litecoin community.
After performing this exercise over all the houses, it seems pretty clear to me that the ‘heart beat’ of Litecoin really did happen with the genesis block. The synchronized block processing could have been a bug in the processing algorithm.
I now have confidence in using the genesis block time stamp as the exact marker for when Litecoin came into existence. This is exciting because it allows anyone to use all the data that is available to describe that is going on. All the houses come into play, the rising sign, the midheaven, everything.
Here is the birth chart for Litecoin.
Here is the time:
GMT: Friday, October 7, 2011 7:31:05 AM
Your time zone: Friday, October 7, 2011 12:31:05 AM GMT-07:00 DST
Special note: The birth location is also important and must be considered during the investigation. I found no reason to question what I found on the Beyond Binary website with regards to the location being Union City, California. There information aligns to what we know about the founder and the early history of the coin.
Would love to hear any argument that can defend a different time as the birth time for Litecoin.
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Reference Data
Positions of Planets at for the genesis block: Sun position is 13 deg. 42 min. of Libra Moon position is 20 deg. 57 min. of Aquarius Mercury position is 20 deg. 00 min. of Libra Venus position is 27 deg. 36 min. of Libra Mars position is 10 deg. 55 min. of Leo Jupiter position is 8 deg. 04 min. of Taurus Saturn position is 19 deg. 23 min. of Libra Uranus position is 2 deg. 08 min. of Aries Neptune position is 28 deg. 26 min. of Aquarius Pluto position is 5 deg. 00 min. of Capricorn Asc. position is 22 deg. 16 min. of Cancer Positions of Planets for block #3: Sun position is 19 deg. 43 min. of Libra Moon position is 4 deg. 09 min. of Taurus Mercury position is 29 deg. 57 min. of Libra Venus position is 5 deg. 11 min. of Scorpio Mars position is 14 deg. 27 min. of Leo Jupiter position is 7 deg. 21 min. of Taurus Saturn position is 20 deg. 08 min. of Libra Uranus position is 1 deg. 54 min. of Aries Neptune position is 28 deg. 20 min. of Aquarius Pluto position is 5 deg. 04 min. of Capricorn Asc. position is 27 deg. 04 min. of Leo