Here is a short overview of the Book of Destiny Life report that will be generated for everyone that joins the community. As with all Book of Destiny reports, they show the fixed energy that is there to greet you when you arrive, thus, they are a blend of a natal and forecast report.
In words, the Book of Destiny Life report brings up the cards that represent influences that will be in your entire life. Much like a Natal reading of a typical Astrology report, this report outlines general trends in the first half. It outlines the influences into seven 13-year periods.
The second half of the report focuses on auspicious events that will happen at known times into the future. As you know, because this system is a calendar, it’s already known what energies will come your way. Thus, I’ve listed 20 years’ worth of events so it will be in your records for as long as you want to keep the report.