by Alison Dhuanna
With all the big outer planets retrograde digging up old ground and Mercury too it has been a time of big changes, turmoil and surrender for many of us. My whole life has shifted radically in the past few months and I find myself in France exploring the Apollo and Athena ley lines and building in person the Soul Tribe community I joined at the beginning of the pandemic.
Wherever you are in the world, the big question is how will we live together on this planet, how will we take care of her when so much corruption seems to stand in the way of that?
This New Moon on the Equinox at 3 Libra offers us an opportunity to explore this time of catalyzing change – for us in the Northern Hemisphere a time for letting go. Perhaps another way to ask the question is how will we live more lightly upon the earth, more deeply honoring our bodies as mirrors of Gaia with less emotional baggage bringing us into conflict and division with others?
The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “The Dawn of a New Day Reveals Everything Changed.”
Sometimes such changes in our lives can be shocking. I’m noticing how much my nervous system wants to reset, how I want to root myself to the land through walking and to remember my own wildness and freedom as a young girl through sharing life with the wonderful family I am staying with I am so grateful especially for the energy of children around me.
At this time what is new in your life? What are your body’s needs to stabilize in this new situation? What are your heart felt desires for the future? What are you grateful to find around you as the New Day reveals everything has changed and what are you grieving?
The iChing for the position of this New Moon in Gene Key 46.5 reveals some interesting dynamics. My guidance recently has been to just get out the way and stop interfering or trying to control my life – are you feeling this too? It’s calling for an even deeper level of surrender.
According to the iChing: The Oracle of the Cosmic Way by Carol Anthony and Hanna Moog “Cosmic success is achieved through inner action that is directed to bringing oneself with the Cosmic Way”. Cosmic success is the experience of being deeply in touch with the natural super-abundance of life no matter the level of resources you have – so you could be very wealthy and living from a profound sense of lack or not have much but be living from a place of generosity.
An excellent metaphor for this ‘pushing upwards’ is the growth of new young plants. It doesn’t take effort for plants to come up and once they are, as long as their basic need for light and water are met, they will reach maturation in the fullness of time. In other words, if you allow yourself to grow in this energy field it will be pretty effortless as long as you ask for spiritual help.
The 46th Gene Key is very special in that it oversees the development of the physical body from 0-7 years which suggests the possibility of a very deep repatterning. Gene Key 46 has the Shadow Seriousness, Gift of Delight and Siddhi is Ecstasy.
“Despite what you might think, ecstasy is not an extreme state of joy. It is the result of sadness and joy making love inside us. Ecstasy comes about naturally as we accept life utterly. It contains as much grief as it contains joy. It includes aloneness and intimacy, doubt and hope, mortality and eternity. Ecstasy is the highest expression of a fully functioning SQ. When you contemplate the Gene Key of your SQ and its line, think about how those qualities may one day lead you to a state of ecstasy.” The Gene Keys by Richard Rudd
Are you looking for direction in the changes in your life? I offer Goddess Asteroids readings and Gene Keys Mudra Sequences to unlock your higher consciousness effortlessly. Contact me at to find out more
I also have weekly Astrology Classes – coming up this month are Black Moon Lilith and Haumea. Live calls are 5pm Pacific on Mondays and always recorded. There is also the opportunity to follow the next Venus Cycle which will imprint in Libra 22 October 2022 through creativity and ceremony with a group of Priestesses, Sacred Artists and Yogis. This cycle will open a whole new aeon moving from the Scorpio to the Libra energies so if you feel called subscribe to and join the Venus Moon Mystery School