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Ho’oponopono and the year 2021

By Brian Roberts

I’d be willing to bet that the name of Prince Harry and the ancient forgiveness system of Ho’oponopono have never been mentioned in the same sentence before. Well, it has finally been done. I mention it here because not only the Prince but also more and more journalists and public speakers are noticing that “human beings” and the “psyches of people” on all levels of our society are becoming weaponized. As I write this brief essay, even my spell check does not recognize the word, “weaponized”.

Harry has been very open about the problem but stops short of mentioning any solutions. I believe Gandhi would have had something to say about it. God I truly miss that man. I guess we all know that Fox news and CNN are not going to be having any pajama parties soon. When the Covid-19 broke out the news ratings were off the charts. Anybody not see the invasion of the capital? People love the drama, period.

Lesson #23 of A Course in Miracles: I can escape from the world I see by giving up thoughts of attack.

It’s sad, but somehow we are becoming addicted to the violence. When Caligula became the emperor of Rome the gladiator games were reintroduced into Rome after a 10-year sabbatical. The people loved him for it. People do have shadows. People have ancestral memory; and many a pride and a prejudice has been forced upon us by family, friends, social groups and; perhaps even our churches. When my mother married my father, her father was not allowed to be there at the ceremony. They came from different schools of Christianity. Some men wore brown shoes and others black. I seriously doubt that it matters to the foot.

We all know who Prince Harry is but what about Ho’oponopono. Why work with the statement I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, and thank you? What is the miraculous effect of the mantra? Does it have the power to re-train the sub-conscious mind and deliver us from the wheel of karma? Can we actually stop growing warts and horns on our head and start evolving the way God intended us to? You know I believe that it is possible to envelope a powerful field of protection around us and ward off negativity. Like the Dali Lama says his religion is kindness.

And the Dali Lama still gets up at 4am to do his powerful prayers and inner work. You know why? Because he still needs to. He is trying to prevent the whole Tibetan culture from going into victim consciousness. As the history of these two cultures will bear out, they have been attacking each other for thousands of years.

I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, and thank you?

2021: Just what is the significance of the year 2021? Nothing really except that this is where we are at the moment and I have declared, for myself that is, that I am going to work, work, work on my peace shield, on my diamond heart, on the cleaning, on staying out of the data. My book “Life Seeds and Codes” is being prepared to go on Amazon books, but if you would like early access to two essays on the “Huna” and the other on “Ho’oponopono”, please feel free to contact me and I will email them to you, free of charge.

Stay cool




Ho’oponopono and the year 2021 — 8 Comments

  1. Dear Brian
    thank you so much for offering your book Life Seeds and Codes.
    Please send me a copy of it. I will love it. Thank you for this offer.

    Be blessed forever. Jacqueline LeeNah

  2. Please send me your book Life Seeds and Codes…thank you so much Brian for creating this and offering it…bless you forever!

  3. Great article. Refreshers for me and please send Huna and HohoPonopono
    Articles. Gratitude

  4. Please send me your book Life Seeds and Codes…thank you so much Brian for creating this and offering it…bless you forever!

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