Guest article by Mona.
We have all heard the quote, “The only thing constant is change!” (Heraclitus) Isn’t that the truth! In all of these changes occurring everywhere, we are in a position of creating a world that we can call ‘heaven on earth.’ At this point, chaos seems to rule the world and it seems so dark and dismal for many. But is it?
In all of my teachings as an energy practitioner, the most important lesson is to recognize that the world is made from energy, perceptions, actions, agreements, and decisions. Actually, isn’t that how we live our life in general?? Seeing that our thoughts and actions are from this viewpoint of choices, we can also be aware that we can change our thinking in a second or wait a lifetime.
Right now so many of us are realizing that we are outgrowing certain people or feeling that we are wanting to be more independent (by choice) or we would love a healthy relationship (by choice). Our desires are like a shopping list. We may not always get what we want, but maybe that’s because it’s not the best time for us to have that. I consider that a blessing as well.
I remember being a young lady at 17 years old. I lived in Southern California and was in a professional singing group called Young Americans. We performed on the Andy Williams Show, Bing Crosby’s Christmas Special, and we traveled doing shows all over the world! I was young, and with all the friends I made during that time, I felt like I was invincible and could do anything! One day I heard that Hoyt Axton (a beautiful singer, songwriter who wrote for Three Dog Night) had a band and played with Linda Ronstadt) was coming to my town to do a concert. In those days you could get up close and personal with the band members after the concert. Hoyt was well known. His voice was deep and SO mesmerizing to me. SO I went to the concert and realized he didn’t have an alto singer! “There’s my chance”, I thought! So after the concert was over, I walked over to the bus and waited for Hoyt Axton! His band members let me into the bus. As he arrived, he saw me sitting there and asked who I was. I told him, but also mentioned I recognized he didn’t have an alto singer and I’d like to fill that position. I mentioned I could sing five parts in harmony and I’d be willing to show him. He was impressed. (I also mentioned how much I loved how he harmonized with Linda Ronstadt! LOL!)
I was on the bus with Hoyt for about a half hour as he gave me a tour. I gave him my phone number and pleaded with him to take me on the road! As I said my goodbyes, he turned to me and said, “Little darlin’, the drugs on this bus are too much and I wouldn’t want to see you get involved. You’re too beautiful and kind to be ruined by this.” Well, I promised I wouldn’t do drugs, etc. and told him this would still be a dream come true. I prayed for weeks so hard I probably bombarded every spirit in the spirit world!!
Needless to say, I felt my prayers weren’t heard. I cried for what seemed forever. I waited by the phone, made bets with God, you name it! Were my prayers left unheard?? Weeks after my heart felt broken, I heard about this organization called The Jesuit Volunteer Corp. organization. I joined up with them, found myself moving to Alaska at 18 and leaving my singing behind to do service work for the elderly!! Not only was it the best choice I made, it was the best decision and soon afterward, I got married and had my 3 beautiful children.
Blessings come in so many disguises and opportunities! I feel this is where we are in the world right now. Even though this is a horrific feeling that we get from the chaos of change, underneath it all, we are heard. From my experience and my understanding after all these years, I’d say, “The Best is Yet to Come!” We are at a new beginning in the world of living heaven on earth. Our thoughts and actions are being realized from vibrations all over the world. Being a true example by the love you are watching blossom inside of you is where it’s at!
Live in the moment, remember to deep breath and be grateful, and manifestations will come to create the highest and the best good!!!
Sending all of you massive gratitude for a month filled with change!
May you ALL have a joyous Thanksgiving!
You are spot on! Your blog always has gems of wisdom that only experience can bring. Thank you!
What a beautiful story about your close encounter with the dangerous world of rock and the very powerful example of Guidance. And prayer! You probably didn’t know at the time that you were praying for failure of that adventure in favor of a much more wholesome life. Thanks for reminding us to “look for the gem in the muck.”
Love and deep appreciation for you, Mona, Polly
I was led to receive a small round table for nothing. I had wanted such a table for a while. The way it happened was definitely unusual and I feel it was Devine. Perhaps just one of the ways the new energy will work.
Yes Mona, there is a definite change in the air. Thank you
I have been feeling it for the past 4 days. Im about to lose my 4 hour job in December that I’ve done for 11 years & I’m not the least bit worried about it. Im looking forward to this Change…
Peace, Love, & Light
Well said and it comes at the right time for me and mine.