Today is November 22 and there is a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus at the Galactic Center. It has been a long time since this has happened and is a very important conjunction. The Galactic Center is on 27 degrees Sagittarius. The sign of Sagittarius rules justice, higher education, teachers, mountains, and universal law. This is like the King or Queen of the mountain speaking right now. Jupiter is the King and Venus is the Queen and they are saying it is time for Peace and Love to reign on Earth.
At the same time this conjunction happens, which is this weekend, Mars is opposing Uranus. This is an explosive type of energy so it may be a while before we feel the manifestation of this conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. It is there right now so those who choose to tune into that energy can do so now.
I think it will be more like Christmas energy, or the Winter Solstice that will bring the love vibration to us. This is when our sun lines-up with the Galactic Center. Remember the Star Wars Movie comes out just before Christmas and that is about the ending of the War on Earth. Movies seem to tell us what is about to transpire on Earth.
We are now heading into Thanksgiving energy and this is a good time to be grateful for all of our blessings. May God Bless you during this holiday season and have a very Happy Thanksgiving.
I am enclosing a 47 minute video by Molly McCord about the energy of the galactic center for your enjoyment. Jupiter, Venus, and the Galactic Center…
Here is also a graph of the Schumann Resonance right now.
***** Mahala Gayle *****
Hi Mahala, I’m sure you remember, but in case for those who might have forgotten, the 22nd was the date JFK was assassinated in 1963. I wonder what celestial events were happening then.