Guest article by Mona Delfino from Sacred Reconnections
Everyone on the planet is going through change, and many are experiencing the transformation of their internal chaos.
This is a very important time in our history! Chaos isn’t bad, and it doesn’t hold us back. It begins the process of movement, which can then shift into the deepest of the subconscious desires we created many moons ago! Actually, if you tune into the heart, you will witness a feeling that sits down deep in the soul. It is an alignment created by you so many lifetimes ago, when we were in heaven.
A very high energy of the Supreme Being that we were created from has now become a reality on Earth. As hard as it is to see this, we are still here… experiencing the magnificence that real life has to offer. All we need to do is give our higher self permission to express itself and come out of the hiding that was brought on by old patterns, protection, pain, etc. These are emotions that have been present, however, if you let your mind open to change, you will see that it was all created by the hierarchy of this world.
I am writing this article on 11-11. As a matter of fact, it’s 11:00!! In my world, I have allowed the truth of my inner wisdom to come forth, without concerns of judgment, or other peoples ideas. Even science has become hijacked with untruths so that money and popularity would become its priority.
The heart is real, it speaks and it is now OUR unified priority!
Physical conditions are popping up for many people as these shifts are taking place world wide. I am a healer who works with so many people throughout the world, and it is this information that I share with you to help you understand the reality of your body’s language. Your body is responding to your higher self. The adrenal glands are tired of holding on to patterns no longer serving your health. Your heart, and your nervous system, is mostly affected during this period.
So many are developing a fast heart rate, a deep quickening that feels like anxiety, but somehow is not. This is energy. It’s the meat of life at work. You have so much to offer, so much to stand for, and most importantly, so much to witness in order to become the soul you came here to be. 11-11 marks this time in history where we are rising to this epic consensus through what we see the world going through and experiencing. We can no longer hide what the soul knows.
Rather than listening to false leaders, or holding people on a pedestal, we must recognize the internal leader of which you are and came here to know, experience, learn from and act upon. All of us are so similar; we just have different experiences that have caused us to react differently. Down deep, there is only love that unites all of us, no matter what these superficial opinions try to demonstrate.
Many people are allowing themselves to get to a rock bottom state in order to redesign their lives. It isn’t feasible anymore to continue a pattern that hasn’t changed a thing. So the truth is expansion is at hand, to allow the heart to reopen in a new direction. This is what the 11-11 means…. A beginning of change that will significantly recreate a world of chaos into wisdom, peace and clarity.
As an international healer, I ask that you give yourself acknowledgment in a world that waits for your wisdom. We’re listening… Much Love and gratitude for all of us in this dynamic world of change!
All my love, Mona Delfino~
You are so RIGHT ON Mona! Thank you for sharing and verifying a feeling I have been sensing, that what I am feeling is my Higher Self moving in and making all perfect. A truly wonder-full experience to really now know this!
Thank you so much, Mona! This explains my faster heart rate and anxiety, and my rock bottom situation. I knew it must have to do with 11-11, while simultaneously I thought I was at fault. The process continues, of course, but the self blame died.
Oh my goodness – truly wonderful!!