Guest article by Alison Dhuanna, UK Astrologer
This morning as I walked the dogs down the singing river to where it crosses the canal at Lock 11, everything seemed to be especially magical and wondrous. As I complemented a female duck on her beauty a duck feather floated on the path before me. The white geese preened themselves splashing around. Realizing that it is 11 January 2018 (2+1+8+11) I decided today was the day to write a blog about the number 11 in astrology and the incredible sequence of 11 degree full moons which begin 2018.
The first Full Moon of the year was on the 2 January with the Sun at 11 degrees Capricorn and Moon 11 degrees Cancer. The New Moon is the seed phase when the Sun and Moon are conjunct in the same sign. The Full Moon is the flowering phase of the moon cycle when it reaches its fruition and the Moon is 180 degrees away from the Sun. Thus, at a Full Moon the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs of the zodiac. They therefore bring the archetypal Mother and Father into opposition across what we call an axis – in this case Cancer and Capricorn. Cancer is the sign of family and ancestors and is the Cardinal Water sign marking the Summer Solstice. Capricorn is cardinal Earth, the sign of career and structures, what we manifest in the outer world. All the Moons in the early part of the year are also Super moons making their closest approach to Earth. This first moon looked so stunning and bright.
The first Blue Moon of the year coincides with a Total Lunar Eclipse so it is going to be very powerful. This Moon on the 31st January is at 11 degrees Leo in a perfect alignment with Ceres the Mother Goddess and the Sun is in Aquarius. This axis in the zodiac is about how our creative self becomes part of the synergy of the collective in Aquarius. This is a challenging axis for the western mind set because whilst we pay a lot of attention to individuality, community is often considered unimportant. That is shifting over these few years as the eclipses will trigger issues that force us to contemplate this. One of the strongest issues arising with this eclipse is around attachment and self-nurturing. Food and relationships with parents and children may need attention as unresolved issues arise from the unconscious realm.
We don’t have a Full Moon in February which means we have two Blue Moons in the first quarter of the year – I don’t remember this happening before. The next Full Moon is on the 2nd March and this time the Moon is at 11 degrees Virgo and the Sun in Pisces. This is the mutable Earth and Water axis and it is about structures and forms in Virgo and the Oceanic dissolving energies of Pisces. Old forms dissolve and new forms are created. Virgo decides what to take forward on her journey – she sorts the wheat from the chaff. As Virgo relates to health, this is an excellent opportunity to review what is resonating with you now. Food habits are likely to be changing a lot this year towards less industrialized food. I’m feeling that there is going to be a movement towards vegetarianism and veganism in the general population. The welfare of farm animals and other environmental concerns will also be important.
The second Blue Moon of the year falls on the 31st March. This falls at 11 degrees across the Aries and Libra axis. This is a similar axis to Leo Aquarius because it about having a strong sense of self and using that to serve a higher purpose, in this case relationships.
This Full Moon sequence suggests that illumination and light are flowing forth in this 11 Master year. It is an expansive time. Jupiter has an orbit of 11 years and this is an important age when we move into adolescence.
Aquarius in the 11th sign of the zodiac and the 11th house rules friends and community so it feels that this is a good year for groups and communities. Is there a group calling you? Joining a new group or community can be scary. Will we be accepted? Will we be valued? Do we feel equals to the other members? These are all powerful issues I’ve experienced today. For anyone ever trying to be part of a collective you will be aware that it is not as easy as it should be for us humans.
This 11 Master Year is all about balancing different axis across the zodiac, balancing the masculine and feminine. This continues ongoing themes from the previous few years but it does feel these energies will be expanding this year. The work we have done on ourselves may well come to fruition this year.
Love and Blessings
Alison Dhuanna
Blue Spectral Eagle
I offer several personal and Solar Fire chart readings. For more information please email me at
Thank you to my astrologer friend and colleague Margaret Mary Archer who alerted me to the 11 degree full moons – a perfect example of how the group consciousness works together!
You not wrong Temperance…maths isn’t my strong point but its definitely the case and I think its very unusual. I don’t recall seeing it before
i always thought the lunar cycle was 28 days…seems i am wrong
Blessings to the farm animals; blessings to the farm (and ranch) animals.