Guest article by Alison.
The Earth Grid lines are webs that may become reignited by cosmic events. Since I first read about this eclipse in one of my favourite books, ‘Celestial Delights’ up to 2020 by Francis Reddy, I have been struck by the similarities between a place it passes over called Lake Musters and Colhue Haupi in Argentina, and the Ness of Broghar in the Orkney Islands, where I witnessed a very powerful Solar eclipse on 20th March 2015.
Since then I’ve had this nagging feeling that these eclipses are connected, that they are healing a ‘Hoop’. Despite trying to ignore the feeling I’ve dreamt about it twice, so now somewhat reluctantly I am writing about it. Events do seem to be confirming that a special Hoop of healing between the Left Brain (European) and Right brained (Indigenous peoples) in the world.
The Indigenous shamanic teachings of South America are crucial in how we will be able to transform the social problems facing us globally. One of these teachings is that of Ayni, sacred reciprocity. The Hoop that is being healed is a re-connection to the lineage of these teachings which will enable us to restore harmony.
At present there is a special portal involving larger numbers of people reconnecting with the South American lineage. These teachings are being made more widely available to North American’s of European descent and now also Europeans. This is mostly taking place through Internet courses of which I have been participating myself. In 2017 we will have at least two traditions of in person teachers in the UK for the first time – the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition and Q’ero Tradition.
Around a year ago I embarked on an online course Path of the Universal Shaman in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT) with don Oscar Miro-Quesada. His teachers were from the Andean Mountain and Coastal traditions, which have miraculously been kept intact and woven together in the PMT. don Oscar was asked to take the teachings to North America rather than risk them dying out altogether, or not serving their purpose of global transformation. This has been very successful with many people embracing the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition from many walks of life. It is the karma of many of us born in European bodies to heal and balance this very old wound.
Those of you who read my blogs will know that one of the core issues I have been exploring through the Goddess Asteroids is ‘attachment’. The issue of ‘lineage’ feels very similar. Its perhaps something that unless you’ve ever had it, you may not know it is missing in your psyche. Once you do have it though, it is like being reconnected to your Spiritual Parents. It brings a deep feeling of security and stability in the same way a strong, positive attachment to one’s biological parents does. For most Europeans, magical traditions have been obliterated – either through intellectual discrediting (the left brain massacre) or through more tyrannical methods such as the Witch hunts. Lineage for us is often vague past life memories, synchronicities that connect us to different traditions and the remnants of forgotten practices of the Druids or other Indigenous people’s living in Europe. These experiences are wonderful when they happen, but it is even better to get plugged back into a tangible lineage and to feel welcomed generously and trusted that this time, as Europeans, we will do the right thing.
Don Oscar talks in his apprenticeships about the ‘Rainbow Bridge’ and the ‘Rainbow Tribe’ awakening. This was also the term used to describe the Asteroid Belt by Barbara Hand Clow in her ground-breaking book Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets first published in 1987. The Wounded Healer (Chiron) is also very much the Path of the Shamanic Initiate. The healing of the Divine Masculine and Feminine are central to these teachings of how the world is transforming.
I do love Astrology. Yesterday at my Pachakuti Mesa altar I was learning from don Oscar by video how to use ritual instruments to activate different energies. I went online to look at ordering a Conch shell to play. This morning as I sat down to write this I checked out the Sabian Symbol for the position of the eclipse at 8 degrees Pisces. It is “A Girl Blowing a Bugle” and the meaning is ‘a call to participation in the service of the race, as an evolutionary crisis approaches’. This girl (Alison) is calling to all Europeans in origin who feel it is their time to reconnect with Indigenous People’s Wisdom. We can have faith that we are on the right path and all we need to do is keep our hearts strong and open.
This eclipse falls on a line-up of planets and asteroids which are bringing deep levels of ancestral healing to humanity. In other parts of the Globe this may be being expressed differently and towards the teachings of different Indigenous peoples. In the line-up are Mercury (Communication), South Node (Ancestry), Sun (Yang), Moon (Yin), Neptune (Creativity/grief), Pallas Athena (Leadership/power) and Chiron (Wounded Healer).
Venus and Mars are still both in fiery Aries, and Mars is in an exact conjunction with Uranus at the eclipse, so let’s expect the unexpected. It is beautiful to see Venus and Mars travelling together, Venus seems exceptionally bright this year.
Returning to the where I began with the sacred sites in Argentina and the Orkneys, how do they connect? The book Uriel’s Machine by Christopher Knight makes very convincing connections between the tall, fair skinned Star people being in various locations across the Earth. A Patagonian tribe of ‘giant’ people called the Tehuelche first named these lakes in Argentina.
There is therefore a tangible connection of lineage between Britain and South America. In the Orkneys, an incredible Temple complex has lain hidden for almost 7000 years which is now being uncovered by archaeologists. It even includes a pyramid, perhaps the oldest in the world. There is evidence that some 6000BC the Orkneys was the centre of a great spiritual civilisation.
Was Lake Musters and Colhue Haupi once a similar place? It is intriguing to wonder what may be hidden beneath the Earth there. It appears there is not much going on now but oil drilling. Please if you are reading this, spend a minute sending love and gratitude to Mother Earth over this path of the eclipse and connecting this magical Earth grid hoop in your mind. We have exploited Mother Earth for oil and gas and perhaps this was necessary in the past, but it isn’t now. We have all the new technologies we need, the only issue that stands between good sense to change or not change is money for a few individuals who are invested in these old energies.
If you would like to find out more about don Oscar’s work please visit I am going to be sponsoring the first authorised Pachakuti Mesa Tradition teacher to come to Britain, Cynthia Greer, in September 2017 for an intense 6 day course. For full details visit
Malvin Artley is the expert on eclipses & their continuing influences. There is a new newsletter out today on the present eclipse.
Wonderful information. I feel that this applies to me somehow.
Should let you know that when I clicked on the “heartofthehealer” with.”com.”, it didn’t work, it’s really “org”.
Thank you.