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Astrology Report for June

By Dorene Carrel

June is highlighted by several dynamic planetary patterns that will tend to keep us moving at a faster pace. The main focus is the mutable t-square between Neptune in Pisces, Saturn in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Virgo, which is in effect from February 27 to July 21. It is made more prominent this month by the New Moon in Gemini on June 4, which turns it into a mutable grand cross. We can use this enhanced energy to make significant leaps in our understanding, intuition and visions for the future. This type of pattern calls for a realignment of one’s goals and priorities, as they may shift and change over the next few months.  After Mars turns direct later this month, we will be better able to make any major changes.

Fortunately, from June 1-7 we are assisted by a grand earth trine between Pluto, Jupiter and Mercury, which makes it easier to stay focused and grounded.  The earth signs of Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus may benefit the most in terms of attracting favorable opportunities.   If we have worked hard toward a particular goal, we can now make greater progress and earn some rewards.

The New Moon occurs on June 4 at 15 Gemini.  It is conjunct Venus in Gemini, opposes Saturn in Sagittarius, and squares Neptune/South Node in Pisces and Jupiter/North Node in Virgo.  This powerful Mutable Grand Cross, with a Gemini focus, can help us restructure our patterns of thinking, beliefs and communication, especially around relationships (Venus/Nodes).  Sun/Venus in Gemini assists us in refining our values about relationships and money. Saturn in Sagittarius encourages us to break away from the past and become our own authority. Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces expand our perspective and attune us to the role of faith and grace in our lives.  The Sabian symbol for this degree, “Two Dutch children talking to each other, exchanging their knowledge; the need to clarify one’s experiences through actual contacts with like-minded individuals,” suggests that we can know ourselves better through our sharing with receptive individuals and spiritual community.

On June 13 Neptune turns retrograde at 12 Pisces.  This cycle, which lasts until mid-November, may allow us to receive clearer messages from our subconscious mind through meditation, dreams, visualization and intuitive guidance.  On June 17 Saturn squares Neptune for the second time, which can bring confusion and inner uncertainty. We may still be holding onto outworn judgments or illusions that need to be released. Events at this time can relate back to the first aspect that occurred last November 26.

On June 20 the Full Moon occurs at 29 Sagittarius 33.  It opposes Venus in Gemini and squares Chiron in Pisces.  The 29th degree suggests a theme of closure or completion. As it is also near the World Point degree (0 Capricorn), we may see more prominent events on the world stage.  This is the second full moon in Sagittarius, with a focus on broadening one’s horizons to find greater truth and meaning, as well as following one’s true authentic path.  Venus is featured once again, bringing in a heart-centered theme, and Chiron can bring events from the past that need healing.  The Sabian symbol keynotes for these degrees, “The setting of social standards through personal excellence and competition,” and “The need to pay homage to traditional values upon which the Invisible Community of the spirit is built,” suggests honoring the importance of previous learning, values and community in our evolutionary journey.

Also on June 20, the Summer Solstice occurs less than twelve hours after the Full Moon, adding to the potency of this time. In addition, a mutable grand square pattern forms between Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury (now in Gemini), which brings further focus to clarifying our perceptions and communications.  This may be a good time to pursue education or training opportunities.  This theme is further enhanced by Jupiter in trine to Pluto on June 26.  We may also attract prosperity now or initiate a project that can bring it to us later. It may be a good time to buy a lotto ticket.

Chiron in Pisces turns retrograde on June 27, allowing us to give and receive healing support.  On June 29 Mars turns direct at 23 Scorpio, which can stir up some angry protests and inner restlessness. Be careful when driving. However, it also provides us with increased momentum for moving forward with new goals.

July brings more grand trines and a stationary Uranus.   Blessings for a fun and prosperous summer!

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Dorene Carrel is a professional astrologer with over thirty years of experience.  Donations towards this column are appreciated.  Paypal accepted. Please use my email, as reference.

How is the current Grand Cross pattern affecting your chart? Do you have a question or concern that can be addressed through astrology/numerology?   I am now offering focused email readings. Please contact me for more information.

All references to Sabian symbols are from An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformation and Its 360 Symbolic Phases, by Dane Rudhyar.

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Astrology Report for June — 2 Comments

  1. Hi Dorene wonderful reading I noticed that mars is opposing my Juno Saturn conjunction on 29th June and on 30th June there is the big ending to my marriage even though we seperated 8 years ago. Also definitely going to Bryn celli ddhu in wales for summer solstice as its full moon and will write a blog on it. Thank you x

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