Guest article by Dorene Carrel from AstroConnections.
September is a very active month, with both a solar and lunar eclipse and four planetary stations. Eclipses are extra potent new and full moons that bring opportunities for greater transformation. Venus and Ceres turn direct in early September, providing more support for relationships and finances. Mercury in Libra turns retrograde in mid-month, bringing challenges to the communication and technology areas. Pluto turns direct in late September, impacting the areas of finances and personal power. Finally, Saturn enters Sagittarius in mid-month, which can bring more clarity about philosophy, ideals and spiritual purpose over the next two years.
Venus, which has been in retrograde motion since July 25, now turns direct on September 6 at 14 Leo. During this period, we have had the opportunity to re-evaluate our values and approach in relationships and finances. An important relationship from the past may have reappeared for clarity and healing or we have achieved a new understanding about a present relationship. We may also have gained a new awareness of the role of art, beauty and harmony in our lives. Now we can move forward with a more authentic expression of our new insights.
The New Moon, Solar Eclipse occurs on September 12 at 20 Virgo. This partial eclipse aligns with Chiron and Uranus. This is a good month to focus on how we can improve our health and diet, be of service and replace flaw-finding with discernment and humility. Uranus in Aries guides us in using our ideas and technology in visionary ways, while Chiron in Pisces allows for compassion and healing. This is a North Node eclipse, which favors expansion and new beginnings. The Sabian symbol for this degree, “A girl’s basketball team; physical training as a means to inculcate the feeling of participation in a collective culture,” suggests the importance of focus and working together with like-minded others to accomplish higher objectives.
On September 14 the dwarf planet Ceres turns direct in Capricorn. This is a favorable time to give and receive support from others. It could also be a beneficial time to seek nutritional information and make improvements to one’s diet. Jupiter in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on September 16, which brings our higher ideals into focus, but we need discernment about the practical steps that can be taken at this time.
September 17 is a busy and critical day. Mercury in Libra turns retrograde, traveling backward through Libra until October 9. It is best to avoid starting major projects or signing contracts during this period. With the Libra focus, old relationship patterns (or persons) may come up for review. Be mindful about communications as misunderstandings are more likely. Also on this day, Saturn enters Sagittarius for the next two years. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign that rules long distance journeys, higher education, dreams and one’s path to higher awareness. It’s time to give these areas more structure and practical focus.
The Autumnal Equinox occurs on September 23, when the Sun enters Libra. This is a good time for group ritual, meditation or perhaps some time spent journaling about our dreams and visions for the future. On September 24 Pluto in Capricorn turns direct, which brings an increased intensity to daily events this week, along with heightened awareness of power and control issues. These tendencies will be amplified by a challenging square between Mars in Virgo and Saturn in Sagittarius on September 25, which can bring delays, obstacles and/or restrictions. Remember that Mercury retrograde, still in effect, favors becoming more flexible and adaptable.
The Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse occurs on September 27 at 5 Aries. This eclipse aligns with Mercury, the lunar nodes, and the asteroids Juno and Vesta. The focus with this full moon eclipse will be on balancing our need for independence with our desire for intimacy. There is a need for authentic communication in close relationships (Mercury in Libra). How can we cooperate with each other to achieve our greater visions? Juno and Vesta bring in themes of dedication, loyalty and equality. This is a South Node eclipse, which provides us an opportunity to release old patterns. The Sabian symbols for these degrees, “A triangle with wings; the capacity for self-transcending,” and “A man revealing to this students the foundation of an inner knowledge upon which a ‘New World’ could be built,” suggest the opening of a new evolutionary gateway or turning point.
October brings another lucky Venus/Jupiter alignment. Blessings for a joyous Autumn.
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Dorene Carrel is a professional astrologer with over thirty years of experience. Donations towards this column are appreciated. Checks and Paypal accepted (please use as reference).
Check out my astrology blog at for ongoing astrological observations on current events.
All references to Sabian symbols are from An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformation and Its 360 Symbolic Phases, by Dane Rudhyar.