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Astrology Report for April

Guest article by Dorene Carrel @

          April is a fairly active month, featuring a Lunar Eclipse and the planetary stations of Jupiter and Pluto.  These particular cycles bring intense and transformational changes that can produce life-changing events. We began this lunar cycle in late March with a new moon solar eclipse in the last degree of Pisces, quickly followed by the spring equinox. The March 20 equinox signified new beginnings, while Pisces themes are about releasing the past. So we may experience significant endings that could open the way for some favorable new beginnings.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs on April 4 at 14 Libra. Libra themes involve relationships and partnerships of all kinds, as well as cooperation, balance and equality. This is a challenging eclipse due to the alignment with Uranus and square to Pluto.  It has a breakdown or breakthrough, shape-shifting quality that asks us to confront the need for change in some area of our life.  Those with prominent planets in the cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Capricorn and Cancer) will be most deeply affected. World events will continue to have unexpected and even bizarre outcomes (Uranus), but will also show reforms (Pluto) that need to be made.  Saturn in Sagittarius over the next couple of years will highlight the transportation areas.

This eclipse also connects with the October 8 eclipse, which occurred at the opposite degree in Aries. With both eclipses, we are being called to evaluate our personal needs with those of close relationships (self vs. other theme).  What was begun last October that needs change or completion at this time? Since this is a North Node eclipse, there is a more expansive quality. We can use our new insights to create new beginnings.

The Sabian symbols for these degrees speak to the great growth potential of this full moon/eclipse cycle: “An Indian weaving a ceremonial blanket; projecting into everyday living the realization of wholeness and fulfillment,” and “Circular paths; coming to terms with the inevitability of establishing steady rhythms of social activity.” Circular paths can also refer to the ability to see significant patterns and shifts in one’s life events over time.

Also on April 4, Mercury aligns with the South Node in Aries, which can help us connect with past memories to achieve a higher perspective.  As this aspect can bring up old patterns of thinking, it is important to release any feelings of worry, anxiety or discouragement at this time.  Significant Mercury aspects between April 5-8 can bring exciting news and creative ideas, if we can stay open-minded and release outmoded ways of thinking.

On April 8 Jupiter turns direct at 12 Leo 35, encouraging creative self-expression and taking a leadership role.  This is a good time to get in touch with and act on our heart-centered desires and needs. Jupiter is at home in Leo, which brings out its expansive and risk-taking side. The shadow side is arrogance and being too ego-centered.  Jupiter will be in Leo until mid-August 2015.

Venus in Gemini opposes Saturn in Sagittarius on April 14, which may be challenging for relationships, but can help us tune into our real needs in this area.  Where can we compromise to achieve a win-win situation?  Communicating from a broader perspective can bring more satisfying results.

Pluto turns retrograde on April 16 at 15 Capricorn 32.  Powerful changes and shifts can occur this week that may surface in a more outward way later in the year. During this period, we may do more internal processing on the effects of power and control issues and what needs to be released and transformed in our lives.

On April 18 the New Moon occurs at 28 Aries 25.  Aries is self-assertive, impetuous, pioneering and can be very competitive.  Along with the spring equinox, this is also one of the best times for taking that leap of faith to start a new enterprise or travel a new path in some life area.  In what life area can we be a little bolder and more self-confident?  The Sabian Symbol for this degree, “The music of the spheres; attunement to cosmic order,” suggests that learning to listen and trust in one’s inner voice is also part of this important process.

Another good cycle for taking action occurs on April 21-22 when Mercury aligns with Mars in Taurus and trines Pluto in Capricorn. These earth signs encourage constructive activities that will lead to tangible and profitable results.

Mercury in Gemini turns retrograde in mid-May.  Blessings for a peaceful and prosperous month!

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          Dorene Carrel is a professional astrologer with over thirty years of experience.  For more information on readings, contact  Donations towards this column (even small ones) are accepted and appreciated.  Paypal accepted; use my email as reference.

Check out my astrology blog at for ongoing astrological observations on current events.  I will be posting a blog on the Amanda Knox trail outcome in the near future.

All references to Sabian symbols are from An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformation and Its 360 Symbolic Phases, by Dane Rudhyar.


Astrology Report for April — 1 Comment

  1. Thank you for your post! Could; you, Mahala, Allison, etc. please comment on the effects a Nova occurring in the center of Sagittarius, is having on the other planetary events and us?! (More details of the event is found on space Thank you all for your informative posts! Blessings…

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