Guest article by Dorene Carrel.
October is a very dynamic month, highlighted by two powerful eclipses and significant planetary patterns. The relationship theme is very prominent this month. Mercury is retrograde for most of the month, challenging us to be patient and strive for clarity in our thinking and communications. The planetary patterns bring focus to the ongoing challenging Uranus/Pluto square, while a fortunate grand trine presents opportunities for creating harmony and balance. We begin the month still under the September New Moon in Libra, emphasizing equality and cooperation in our relationships.
On October 4 Mercury turns retrograde at 2 Scorpio, and turns direct again on October 25 at 17 Libra. This cycle can be used to become more aware of our beliefs and communications around relationship and intimacy issues, as well as shared resources and power. A previous partner may reappear to resolve unfinished business. During this period it is best to slow down, simplify one’s life and avoid making long-term decisions.
The first half of October will feature a harmonious Grand Fire trine pattern involving Mars in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries. This is a creative time that brings optimism and increased energy to make connection with what inspires us and to reach for our highest goals. However, it is best to wait until next month for taking action, after Mercury has turned direct.
On October 8 a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs at 15 Aries. This total eclipse is aligned with Uranus, Pluto, Venus and the North/South nodes in Libra/Aries. A tense Cardinal T-square pattern is formed by the Sun/Venus in Libra in opposition to Moon/Uranus in Aries, with both in square aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto can bring up power and control issues, but also allows us to go deeper. With Uranus involved in both major planetary patterns, we may take a path that favors unconventional approaches. There may be more concern about preserving our own unique identity and striving for fair, mutually beneficial solutions.
The theme of the Aries/Libra nodal polarity revolves around achieving the right balance of freedom and closeness in relationships. The North/South nodes aligned with this eclipse present an opportunity to change deep-seated patterns from previous lifetimes, or within this lifetime. Venus, ruler of Libra, is traveling close to the Sun this month, which encourages us to focus on a more heart-centered and compassionate approach.
The Sabian symbols for these degrees are: “Nature spirits are seen at work in the light of sunset; attunement to the potency of invisible forces of nature,” and “After a storm a boat landing stands in need of reconstruction; the need to keep in operation steady links between the vast Unconscious and the ego-consciousness.”
This speaks to the new moon alignment with the Super Galactic Center, which suggests that this cycle of time can bring about major shifts in consciousness.
The peak times to take advantage of the Fire Grand Trine are October 3-4 and 7-8. On October 4, Mars in trine to Uranus can bring inspired, energized action and inventive ideas. Mars trine Jupiter on October 8 brings a boost of optimism, a broader perspective, more flexibility and a sense of adventure.
The North Node makes several alignments with personal planets this month, all in the sign of Libra. The North Node indicates our path of greatest growth in this lifetime. The Sun/Node alignment occurring on October 12 brings focus to our core energy and how it can be strengthened. The Venus/Node alignment on October 14 provides opportunity to give and receive love and support. The Mercury/Node alignment on October 20 and 30 can bring new, creative ideas and opportunities for improving our communications.
The New Moon, Solar Eclipse occurs on October 23 at 0 Scorpio 25. This partial eclipse is aligned with Venus, Neptune and Pallas, which gives it a softer tone than the previous lunar eclipse. The Scorpio focus is on power/control issues and releasing fears; also being resourceful, determined, penetrating and secretive. With the Sun-Venus influence, this eclipse could indicate a new love relationship for those whose charts are aligned with this degree. The trine to Neptune suggests a spiritual soul mate type of tie. Pallas helps us to perceive hidden patterns in our relationships so we can bring them to greater awareness. The Sabian symbol for this degree, “A crowded sightseeing bus on a city street; the fundamental human eagerness to expand one’s social horizon and to experience the results of collective achievements and new ways of life,” reminds us that we are in a period of enhanced evolution of consciousness.
Mercury turns direct on October 25 at 17 Libra. Now we can move forward again with delayed plans and projects. The Sun aligns with Venus today and both trine Neptune on October 27-28. This peaceful, gentle, loving energy helps us to end the month with renewed faith and abundant grace.
November brings a Neptune station. Blessings to all for a prosperous fall season!
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Dorene Carrel is a professional astrologer with over thirty years of experience, offering birth chart and transit/progression readings. Donations are always appreciated. For more information, contact Dorene at
All references to Sabian symbols are from An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformation and Its 360 Symbolic Phases, by Dane Rudhyar.
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