Mahala and Mona Delfino will be on Fireside Chat with Lance White (3 Virgos) on BBS radio – Saturday night July 28th at 7:00 pm. (link:
We were talking about the uniting of the two halves of our brains into one connected by a link. This happened last night and look what appeared on my email today As above, so below!
Enjoy the show.
Mahala and Mona
What a GREAT SHOW..Jam-packed with information so current it needs to be heard again…I knew something was going on this past week…continue to release that which no longer serves my highest good!
thou for yr Messages.. we send light.. little suggestion.. since some NESARA messages pointed out abt a possible flag events- FALSE- on 4th August in LONDON during OLYMPIC GAMES..WE SUGGEST TO SEND TRILLIONS OF VIOLET LIGHT OF S. GERMAIN IN THAT AREA THANK YOU.
some of us will be meditating since 3rd august.
be blessed fr joining us spiritually
annaluce faENZA italy
Hi janet, 7pm PST. 10pm EST. 🙂
What time zone do you mean by 7 pm? Thanks! Janet