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Mahala on The Tazz & Paula Radio Show

The program will be on Thursday May 17 at 12:00 pm (noon) PDT.

From Tazz and Paula:

Live with Mahala Gayle … sharing upcoming Planetary Major Surges.

We can be heard on 91.5 FM Cupertino (San Francisco South Bay Area Counties and simultaneously broadcasting on Blog Talk Radio

I will talk about the upcoming solar eclipse and the Venus transit and how it will affect us. I will also talk about what is going on with our Sun and how it affects our bodies.
There is also a lunar eclipse on June 4th and a new moon on June 19 along with the summer solstice on June 20th.
There is a lot of energy waves coming to earth and to ride the wave we need to be calm, cool, and collected.
Looking forward to the program on May 17th.


Mahala on The Tazz & Paula Radio Show — 1 Comment

  1. Mahala,
    I have been really enjoying your internet radio appearances lately! I love your joyful enthusiasm, it helps get me all excited and back in the right ‘mode’ again. I have a birthday this Sunday so i will be dancing with the Eclipse.
    With joyful gratitude!

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