July 26, 2010
We are about to enter a New Year called The Magnetic Moon on July 26, 2010. This year will be ruled by the moon, which will cause water events and lots of emotion. This particular Mayan Glyph is over New Zealand. On July 26th the Sun will be on three degrees Leo, which is a black hole (or doorway to another dimension). I don’t know why this calendar starts its new year on a black hole day. I do know that the Egyptian calendar is based on the helical rising of the star Sirius and so is the Dreamspell calendar.
The full moon is on July 25, 2010 at 6:37 pm PDT. Depending on where you live the full moon might be on July 26th. This full moon chart is very awesome. There will be a perfect T cross in the heavens with Saturn on 0 degrees Libra opposing Uranus on 0 Aries. Jupiter will be on 3 degrees Aries and Pluto on 3 degrees Capricorn. If you have planets on any of those degrees be on the look-out for action of some kind in your life. This cardinal cross is fast-acting energy.
Pluto on 3 degrees Capricorn gives basic skills in order to achieve a group purpose. Uranus on 0 Aries means the emergence of a new form of consciousness. Saturn on 0 degrees Libra means we are in the process of transformation, like the moth becoming a butterfly. At the very core of this new process is the perfect form of man, ascension anyone?
The area on Earth which will be affected the most by this upcoming full moon will be the Gulf of Mexico and the surrounding states. This area is going through a major transformation and hopefully it will turn out all right in the long run. Right now it doesn’t look too promising although they managed to cap the well today. They didn’t say anything about the rest of the ocean floor that was breached by the drilling. Time will tell how it all works out.
Mars will be opposing Uranus in the heavens just after the July 25th full moon and this is very explosive energy. Hopefully this will not be felt over the gulf although it is a possibility. Remember that the New Madrid fault runs up the Mississippi River. The chart for the oil spill on April 20, 2010 had Uranus on 28 Pisces and Saturn on 29 Virgo. This was an almost perfect opposition. At this upcoming full moon Mars will be on 27 Virgo conjunct Saturn and opposing Uranus on 0 Aries which will trigger off the T cross in the heavens. This will be a very powerful full moon so keep your cool.
There will be other areas that will be affected by this full moon. The South Pacific Ocean will probably stir up more storms because it is Typhoon season. This means that the Philippines, China, and Japan will probably be affected. It will also cause more hurricanes in the gulf and Caribbean Islands, or the lower East Coast states. There is also the possibility that Alaska and parts of Europe will be affected. It will also affect the longitude between 60 to 90 West and the lower latitudes because the darkness of the July 11 eclipse was seen over the lower areas of the world. (I just heard that Chili had a 6.5 earthquake.)
Five planets will be retrograde at this time. This means their energy will be very powerful because they appear to be in backward motion and spinning their wheels. The retrograde planets are Pluto, Neptune, Chiron, Uranus and Jupiter. Old energy from the past needs to be transformed into light.
The Earth still has to be cleansed and old energy removed from her body which I think is happening right now in the Gulf of Mexico. Mother Earth is bleeding and releasing old energy that she doesn’t need anymore. What appears as a tremendously bad event may turn out to be a good event after all. It all depends on how you look at it. I know a lot of fish, birds, whales and other creatures gave up their life for us and I feel very compassionate for them. Maybe their gift is to live on a higher frequency Earth. To transform this event I think it is a good idea to picture the gulf with beautiful clear, clean water. Who knows what might happen from that; we do create our reality.
I can be reached at planetalert@hotmail.com
Hi Mahala,
I love to read your reports as they are pretty accurate. I think one thing you didn’t note on Saturn is he usually sits where structure is needed so the new changes do not overwelm us. In this case on the scales of justice, Libra. So as Uranus begins a new journey around the Zodiac, great changes are happening everywhere and Saturn will help all balance these within the physical reality.
Thank you for your great updates. We Live in New Zealand.
There is a great energy at the moment. Have been visulising a perfect world today.
Thank you Mahala for the very profound information you’re providing. Your planetalerts always give me “the bigger picture” and lots of insights that help me to make sense of what’s going on behind what we call reality! Love and blessings, Heike
Thank you Mahala for these planetalerts. I think you are right on. Blessings, Marlena