I received an email from a reader in Florida who mentioned a 11 page book written by Gustav Meyrink in 1903. However, this little book was written in German so I sent the email to my friend David, who with the help of Hilde, translated the writtings into English. Thank you David and Hilde for taking the time to translate this document.
The man who wrote this document, Gustav Meyrink, was part of the banking system in 1903. Cars were just starting to appear at that time and the Petroleum industry was just in it’s starting phase. This article is about the recent oil spill and explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. This whole Gulf event was in the planning stages way back then.
I also have a book called World War III and the Destiny of America by Charles R. Taylor. I’ve had this book since the eighties. In this book an American Evangelist is in The Empire State building and he has a long vision of the Statue of Liberty falling into the Gulf of Mexico and being forced to drink poison, and not wanting to, but eventually drinking it and then drowning in the Gulf. That was of course symbolic of what is happening right now. Then the gases came out and started making people sick and dying.
The end of his vision was that he saw another group of people who were listening to the sweetest music he has ever heard. This came from the people who were protected by the hand of God as all this trauma was happening on Earth. They had been able to raise their frequency to a higher dimension and were living in a world of love. So Be It!
Petroleum, Petroleum
Gustav Meyrink aka Gustav Meyer
Austrian, illegitimate son of Baron Karl von Vanbuler, Gustav was a banker and author of grotesque satires later combined with occultism and mysticism. His most famous work was Der Golem, based on his time in prison. He had been accused and found guilty of using his ‘spiritual powers’ in his bank business! He was also a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Other famous members with a fascination for the occult/black magick included Aleister Crowley and Bram Stoker.The key to grasping the significance of this eleven page prophecy is that it was written 107 years ago in 1903,when the development of the automotive industry was in its infancy and all the other uses of petroleum were, in many cases, years from being invented. The English translation with which I am working is a melange of what would have at the time been considered esoteric material. Few would have realized then the pertinence of his story and the reality of his catastrophic prediction until now in 2010,when we witness the unleashing of the Gulf Oil tragedy on the citizens of Planet Earth. At this time I will omit certain passages and focus on the key elements of the prophecy that so clearly and uncannily foretell the present events that have unfolded thus far and are, as yet, still to manifest.
#”Friday-noon, Dr Jessegrim poured the strychnine slowly into the stream. A fish appeared on the surface-dead-with the belly up. ‘So now you’d be dead’ said Dr. Jessegrim to himself. Three times in his life he had in this way already seen the ‘Death in the Eye. ‘Each time he had been muffled by a suspicion that he was called for great things………………………..Dr. Jessegrim groaned as the thought that his wild grief was alive again………………………Everything was gone, everything dear to him….. only the blind narrow-minded, baseless hatred -remained-,inspired by key words. “Scourge of God”-Yes that is the Salvation. Good Lord Almighty, let me be a Destroyer-an Attila!.”…….The anger flared in Dr. Jessegrim’s heart. (He continues)”Timur Lenk(Tamerlaine), Genghis Khan, whose hordes devastated Asia and Europe’s corridors. The Vandal leaders on the ruins of Rome. They were all his family, strong, hulking brothers born into the Eagle’s Nest!” An immense, boundless love for these creatures of the God Shiva, The Destroyer, awoke in him.”These ghosts of the dead will be with me” he felt. Then a different energy occurred in his body like lightning! If, at this moment, he would have been able to see in a mirror, the wonders of the Transfiguration would have no longer remained a puzzle……………………………Thus, the Dark Forces fall into the Blood of Man-deeply and quickly.
Dr. Jessegrim had a profound knowledge. He was a chemist and had settled in Tampiko, Mexico. Through a brisk trade with Americans in narcotics, which he knew how to prepare chemically, he had acquired millions. Many square miles of land were his own and the enormous wealth of petroleum sources promised to increase his fortune to an infinite level…………………………….. But that is not what his heart longed for…………………….. New Year had arrived in the country……………………………. “Tomorrow will be the first day of January and the lazy Creole will again have a reason to get drunk in three long holidays and start to dance the Fandango…….” Dr. Jessegrim looked down from his balcony at the silent sea. “And in Europe it will not be much better. Now, at this time in Austria are the daily newspapers-twice to four times thicker than usual……so stupid. The New Year depicted as a naked boy, fresh calendar with floating women and cornucopias. Statistical oddities………and so on.
Dr. Jessegrim sat long, gazing at the motionless sea, which shone so particularly in the starlight……………….. The clock struck twelve………………………..Midnight. He took out his clock and pulled it up slowly until his fingertips felt the Remontoir Softly, he pressed against it ……..harder and harder………….then a faint crackling; the spring was broken…….the clock stood still. Dr. Jessegrim smiled sarcastically:”So I want you also to turn off the pen, you dear good ………!” …………………………………………………………………………………………..
A TERRIBLE EXPLOSION frightened the city. It came from far away south. It must be in the vicinity of the great tongue of land between Tampiko and Vera Cruz……..the origin of the phenomenon. Firelight no one had seen…even the light towers gave no signals……………. Thunder?….Now?……..And with a clear sky!…………..Impossible………..So probably an Earthquake?
Everyone crossed themselves…………….the hosts and guests were thrown from the tavern and took refuge in the hills above the city……..the hills where there are eerie stories!
Dr. Jessegrim noticed these events as he stepped into his study and hummed something like “Farewell my country Tirol.”(Austria) He was in an excellent mood and got a map out of the drawer, moved her around in a circle….comparing in his notebook and was pleased that everything was true. Until Omaha, perhaps even further north, pulled the oil region. There could be no more doubt that the entire underground petroleum lakes were as large a formation as the Hudson Bay………………….. He knew that he had figured it out………………….for twelve years now. All of Mexico, in his opinion, lay on top of caves in the earth’s interior which were mostly filled with petroleum. ‘Way to a severe explosion!’This is what his life’s work had become. For years he had employed whole flocks of workers……….and at what cost of money! The many millions earned on the drug trade had gone on it…………….. And when it once met a source of oil……..all would have been made. The government would of course immediately try to control the situation……………… Last night all should fall……..the ultimate walls to the seas ,to the cape and to the area further north, San Luis Potosi………………………Authentic devices took care of the explosion.
Dr. Jessegrim packed his remaining dollars and other items and drove to the station. At 4.00am the Express Train went to New York. What was he leaving in Mexico? It was already all over the newspapers. Telegrams from all points of the Mexican Gulf coast; “Sea completely covered with petroleum, cause unknown, everything stinks far and wide!” The State Governor. The Americans were immensely interested in the event, because of the impact on oil prices on the stock market. Bankers on Wall Street and the US Government questioned whether rates would rise or fall. They shrugged their shoulders refusing to make judgements until the cause of the phenomenon was known…………..it was a potential to make a lot of money!
In the minds of Europe the news had little impression. They were more focused on their own affairs; protective tariffs, new laws……………etc.
Meanwhile the oil flowed, exactly as Dr. Jessegrim had diligently calculated, from the underground tanks into the Sea of Mexico. It formed on the surface a layer of opalescence which expanded unceasingly, driven by the Gulf Stream, soon to cover the entire Gulf……………………………………… The shores were deserted and the population withdrew into the interior of the country……………………..Damage bloomed around the cities.
The sight of the ocean was very beautiful……a boundless space, gleaming and shimmering in all colors, red, green and violet. Again deep, deep black, as fantasies of fabulous stars. The oil was thicker than elsewhere and contact with the salty sea water caused no change other than it lost its smell………………………… Scholars said that a precise study of the cause of this disaster was of high scientific value, and, as Dr. Jessegrim’s reputation as a practitioner and an expert on Mexican petroleum was well founded, they should seek his opinion. His prognosis was short and sweet, as expected.“If the oil continues to flow to the extent as now, my calculation is that in 27-29 weeks all the oceans of the Earth will be covered and rain will cease to fall in the future, since no water can evaporate anymore…………in the best case it will only rain petroleum.”
This prophecy was treated frivously initially but, within a day, did not dry up, but, rather, spread terror and panic to all mankind. Every hour news reports from the Observatories of America and Europe were read, even the Prague Observatory turned to this strange new phenomenon. In the Old World soon no one spoke of anything but the phenomenon. As always in times of confusion, with signs of disaster threatening the sky, came Voices of Restless Spirits who expressed their dissatisfaction: “Away with the old. Erect preferable means to save humanity from the despairing petroleum!”………………………….”But, that’s not it!” warned the thoughtful, ”for millions of people make their livelihood from this petroleum!”………………………………the argument continued, then came a coded message from New York:”Translated porcupine pound peritonitis America!” Which meant: “Oil sources are are constantly increasing; the situation is extremely dangerous. Telegraph immediately whether odor with you so unbearable.Warm regards America!!!!”…………………………………….
A popular speaker-a wild rose fanatic- powerful as a tower of strengthfascinating-spurred people with the power of his speech to do ill deeds.
“Let the soldiers continue with this gimmick. Let us give them new uniforms, frog green with red spots for all I care. And to the sea shore let them go, where they can use ‘blotting paper’ to absorb the petroleum, while ‘CONTEMPLATING THE HUMAN RACE AS THE TERRIBLE CALAMITY TO CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!” The crowd was jubilant with applause………………………….. THE IDEA THAT SUCH MEASURES COULD HAVE NO EFFECT BUT,RATHER,THAT THEY WOULD BE STRUGGLING WITH CHEMICAL AGENTS FOUND NO HEARING………………………………………………………. “We know…..we know everything!” they said…………..”What should we do with the many superfluous resources?” ………………………………………………………………. The End!Comments from David:
Although the news is being heavily controlled, it is quite evident that, despite the filter, the catastrophe unfolding in the Gulf is potentially of ‘epic proportions’:#In the early days the figure was around 5000 barrels a day………now it is as much as 120,000 ………………and who knows how accurate that number is? #The toxic chemicals used to disperse the oil have pushed much of the oil to the bottom and ,after integrating with the rain, are now poisoning the plant life.
#There have been reports of a vast methane bubble that, if it were to explode, would create a gigantic tsunami with subsequent disastrous results along the shores of the Gulf States. With devastating consequences in particular for the whole of Florida, especially the west coastline.
#Not only do our neighbors have a great concern for what is unfolding but so does Europe and Russia, as they may be recipients of the oil-afflicted water through the ocean currents in a matter of weeks. Conclusion: The situation in the Gulf is not improving, in fact quite the contrary. Reasons why will be explored in another communication. FOR NOW ! The vital key to our successfully confronting and releasing this serious challenge to our well-being is to eliminate the ‘Fear-induced Force-field’ and stay centered in our ‘Power Chakra!”
Thank you Tom Kenyon and thank you for all the beautiful and helpful articles you write.
Hi Vivian,
I agree, we all need to look within to find our God and to find our own answers. Love conquers all!
You are welcome!
Thank you for your comments Karen. Yes, we need to stay in the love vibration.
Thank you for this article. Thirty years ago while living in New York, I had recurrent dreams about a tsumami reaching the east coast and taking the lower half of Florida. When the spill first happened, I felt that it was all part of a deliberate master plan. We must not succumb to the fear because everything is in Divine Order.
I found this fascinating and amazing. Thanks
I think the article is written with enough left out that the johnqpublic would have no idea what most of it was about.
Thank you for publishing it on your site for those of us who care enough to even read it!!
Hi Vivian, I believe I had similar feelings when reading this article. I have to admit that it’s interesting how things play out in the long run. Hopefully people will gain insight from these events and collectively reset the path for humanity. All energy is equal, yet the outcomes from how it’s used forms the basis for good and evil. May there always be a positive balance for us to enjoy.
How totally bizarre and yet not that such a story/vision was written so long ago. I agree that we must focus on love and through it will come the healing. Such a scourge has the power to humble humanity. But rather than fear, we must turn to our divine light within to shift the vibration, to rise to higher consciousness.
Thanks for going through the trouble to translate this and for posting it. Absolutely incredible!