Hi all. If you haven’t noticed, Mahala has had a little help putting together this website (blog). Given that it’s another new program for her to learn and use, I have offered to help with publishing articles and finding what, to us, is interesting information to post.
I have also modified the website to include a ‘byline’ below the title of every article so you can tell who posted what. On that line, you will see the author and the date that the article was posted. If you look over everything posted up until this post, you’ll see that this byline reads “By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on …”. That indicates that I’ve posted one of Mahala’s articles. If it reads “By Dave, on …”, like this posting reads, then, well, it was posted by me. Eventually, I’m expecting that most all the content will be posted by Mahala as she builds confidence using the new software.
Now on to the comet time lapse.
Over the last few days, the SpaceWeather website has been posting beautiful pictures of Comet McNaught. Today, they’ve referenced a time lapse from a YouTube poster that displays an amazing collection of stars that really is ‘work to good to miss’. Because the Spaceweather site updates its main page every day, yet YouTube is around for a long time, it’s worth reposting for your enjoyment.
Hope you enjoyed the video. The best part is between seconds 10 and 17. Oh, must give credit to the Astrophotographers Tristan Dilapo and Mike O’Connor (as stated in the video second 6).
Have a great day!
Dear friends,
I am German and would be interested in the original German text “Petroleum, Petroleum”.
I googelt it but could not find anything.
So if you have the digital file I would be so grateful for this!
Thanks again!
P.S. I just now came across this website, because somebody posted the latest astrological comment in a forum. I am impressed by the love which carries this writing. Thank you!