How have you been feeling in the last couple of months? Do you feel like you have gone through an emotional earthquake? Have you had challenges in regard to friends or relationships? How do you feel about the election? In my last article I said that events would transpire in October and November that would challenge us to our core.
I am an empath and feel the emotional trauma that happens on Earth. This allows me to write my articles through experience. This past election caused many people worldwide to experience much trauma because they don´t see the whole picture. They feel like the dark side has total control of Earth and there is no way out.
I think God has other plans for this beautiful planet. I believe there is a higher plan in the works, and it is spelled out in the book of Revelation. God works in mysterious ways, his wonders to complete. In order to see the whole plan you have to reach for the light.
Right now it appears like the dark lords control this Earth, and many people are afraid. There is no reason to become fearful if you have love in your heart. The downfall of the controllers is on the agenda, so don´t give up. This downfall is talked about in the 20th chapter of Revelation.
If you want to be inspired, read the 21 & 22 chapters of Revelation. This talks about the new heaven and the new Earth that we will soon be enjoying. The challenge is getting past the dark stuff. The light is not fighting the dark. The dark lords are fighting each other for the control of this planet. It may take a while before the controllers completely tumble, so hang in there.
The question is what can we do now? What avenues do we have open to us at this point in time? Fighting against something does not work because it sets up a resistance which causes a lower vibration that can come back to you in a negative way. Working in a positive way to change events can work. If enough people learn to manifest love, many wonderful events can happen.
People will have the opportunity to start waking up this year because on December 4, 2004, we move into the 4th day in the Mayan calendar. This is the year of transformation of consciousness. This does not mean that everyone will suddenly be transformed into great light Beings, although it does mean that many people will finally wake up.
The highest vibration in this universe is love. Light comes out of love. You can be totally enlightened in consciousness, but if you do not manifest love you have nothing. Love is the glue that holds everything together.
In the book Love Without End by Glenda Green it says: “The mind generates structures as reality, and all of the oppressive structures which you experience in the world are from those mind-generated concepts attempting to create a perfection that doesn´t need to be created because it is already there.
In other words, the mind breaks things in order to fix them for a price. This includes breaking lives, breaking hearts, breaking souls, breaking relationships, and breaking wills, just to gain the upper hand through some kind of glorified structure.”
“When the mind serves the heart, anything is possible. Think with your heart. When the heart serves the mind there is nothing but limitation. Emotional energy will seethe and boil into restless liability. The mind will perform dualistically unless supervised by the heart. When the mind dominates, polarity is the order of the day.”
We have lived in a polarity universe for eons of time. Now all of that is changing because a new energy is here that is on one frequency instead of two. We are in the process of break-down right now. For the last 26,000 years we have been in the age of Capricorn. That has been an age of structure, control, and materiality. The dollar became God instead of love. Now we are in the beginning process of moving into the age of Aquarius, which will be an age of enlightenment.
The planet Uranus rules Aquarius and it is now moving through the sign of Pisces. It started moving through that sign in March of 2003, and it will be there until 2010. This is the time period of many natural disasters because Uranus causes storms, wind and flooding. It is a male planet, and also rules light, lightening, and electricity.
Neptune is a female planet and rules the sign of Pisces. It also rules love, magnetics, and cosmic consciousness. It is very interesting that we will have an electrical male planet moving through a magnetic female sign for seven years.
Our universe has been an electrical one for eons of time. In July of 1999, the Earth opened her vortexes to receive the triple circle flow of magnetic energy. We are slowly moving into a magnetic universe. I believe that the seven-year time period where Uranus moves through Pisces is the time period of the transition from electrical to magnetic energy.
Electrical energy is forceful, magnetic energy is soft and gentle. By the time Uranus moves out of Pisces, the Earth should be experiencing the soft, gentle, magnetic energy of Neptune.
The planet Pluto is in Sagittarius and will stay there until November of 2008. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and one of the things it also rules is our economy. This will change drastically in the next four years. The American dollar will continue to fall. The Chinese are already dumping dollars. China is now one of the largest economies in the world and now that it has signed a treaty with Russia, the rest of the world better watch out.
China also made a pact with Iran.
The planets will be very challenging in December. The Sun will be conjunct the moon and Pluto at the time of the new moon on December 12, 2004. This starts a period of very transforming energy on Earth. Pluto is considered the god of the underworld, or the dark lord. On the day Bush was elected president, Pluto was opposing the USA Mars. This brings a continuation of war and violence. As soon as he was elected, he bombed Fallujah.
The planet Mars started crossing the Middle East on November 11, and Arafat died. This planet will be affecting the Middle East throughout the month of December. Wherever Mars goes, violence follows. Mercury will be retrograde in Sagittarius during most of the month of December. This could possibly bring up some challenges regarding voter irregularities. Things get a little chaotic when that planet is retrograde, so just flow with the changes.
Back to the book, Love Without End. “Evil is not innate to existence. Good and evil were not established as equal and opposite forces belonging to an eternal drama. Evil is simply disconnection from God and denial of the love that you are! Goodness is the other choice. Such a choice has to exist, otherwise the granting individuality would have been a meaningless gesture.”
“A choice has consequences. So it is with the choice of love or the denial of it. Avoidance of a choice also has consequences, and that is the perpetual dialogue of indecision which results in dualistic thinking. However, when you consider the impact of evil, you must be careful not to judge the hearts of others, simply because you don´t agree, or because their actions seem destructive.”
“The source of all evil is the denial of love. When a person has denied the love that he/she is, he loses the power to command the affairs of his life. In its place he will use force or deception. Love commands. It does not control. When any person, situation, or element of the universe denies the love that it is, it loses command, and so it snatches control. The result is a heartless momentum of debased values, implemented by deception and controlled by force.”
In the book of Genesis we are told, “In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. And the Earth was without form and void. And darkness was on the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the water and said, let there be light. And there was light.”
Light comes out of darkness. Does this mean that darkness is love? Is our Divinity hidden in the darkness of our Being? Is everything we have been told backwards? The light force is AH energy. The dark force is OH energy. The light and dark work together as one. There is nothing wrong with dark energy; it is the misuse of it that becomes a problem.
What is the void? The void is darkness which has the Holy Spirit (magnetic energy) moving over the face of it. The void was also a magnetic vortex created within the One Spirit, through which the adamantine particles were called into assembly. Water, in the above paragraph, represents magnetic influence and response, not the liquid substance itself. Water was a symbol for magnetics, which represents love.
When Jesus and Mary Magdalene were here they were overshadowed by the
Holy Spirit. After the crucifixion, the disciples were also overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and they talked in tongues. The Holy Spirit (magnetic energy) then went dormant on Earth until November 11, 2004, when it arose with great power and was released from the Pacific Ocean to once again cross the face of the Earth. Many strange anomalies will now be seen by many as this energy proceeds to wake up people.
Water is the substance of life. Without water there would be no life. Right now much of the water on Earth is polluted. Something very important that we can do is bless our water every day. Bless the water of Earth. Meet in groups and send love to the water. If we can clean our water, we can clean our Earth and our bodies. The vibration of love changes polluted water to a beautiful clear white crystal. While you are at it, how about blessing your food with love before you eat it.
The Sacred Heart is your magnetic center, as well as your source of higher intelligence and your life force. This center of your life is a great and powerful magnet. As love, you have the power to attract to yourself everything you need. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, than everything will be given unto you. In other words, find the God spark that is within you and manifest love. Love is letting go of fear, judgment, and control. When you do that, you will be able to manifest joy, happiness, and abundance in your life.
It may seem very dark on Earth right now but remember there is a world of light overshadowing this world of darkness. Reach for the light!
I send you my blessings for a joyful and happy holiday season.