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AmorStyle Tarot Giveaways for March

Guest article by Dave

First the Giveaway!

At the end of the month I will be giving away one, or two, private Tarot Card Readings to readers of Mahala’s Astrology and the Planet Alerts Newsletters. These readings take about 90 minutes (or more) of my time in order to put together the right questions, perform the reading and summarize it on my website for you to read.

If this sounds interesting to you, to qualify, you must be a subscriber to my website: This is easy to do and I promise not to pester you with many emails! Please note that when you register the website will send you an email with the instructions for logging into the site. Dig that email out of your junk folder and log in to my site. As an immediate benefit, you will notice that the descriptions for the cards become available to you. Behind the scenes, I will add you to my list of people eligible for a private reading! Regardless to whether you are a fan of Tarot or not, this is a good deal so tell your friends!

Second, play along with my Tarot Projections

I do Tarot readings for Metro Areas! This is a public process where the cards are used to get a feeling for the types of events that are coming to different locations around the world. I’ve limited the cards to 30-60 days worth of lead time so anyone following along can actually remember out that far.

I’ve read for a few different areas including: Cincinnati, Boston, Fort Knox, Atlanta, Salem, LA, Chicago, etc. To view the summaries, see the cards, and view the reading, visit my readings page and then scroll down to the area that interests you.

Third, I may have read the cards for you already!

Every month I perform some brief readings for people, but I’m only given the person’s first name. I then draw a card or two to define what the problem is for this person. The cards that follow are advice, suggestions and outcome type cards. The rule is: If your name matches the name on the reading and you can identify with the problem statement, then the reading is probably for you!

I have a bunch of these readings on my readings page. I call them Gifted Readings. Feel free to scroll through the list on my website and see if your name is there or if your friends name is there.

Here are a few names that I have read for: Maria, Makayla, Jon, Francis, Emma, Branna, Jeffery, Olivia, etc.

News Stories

I read news stories for free! (ok, there is a catch, you have to be a registered user of my site to be considered.) The idea here is to get your questions answered regarding topics in the news. I’m open to reading just about anything! If you want to know about aliens, ghosts, spirits, politics, religion, or any number of other topics, I’m open to crafting some questions for you and drawing cards. These readings tend to be like the Gifted Readings, thus they are brief. You get to help with the questions! Again, you’ll find these on my readings page.

Finally, the Tarot Card – The Sun

AmorStyle Tarot - The SunThis card represents the energy that is coming to readers of Mahala’s Astrology over the next couple weeks.

The Sun is the card of illuminated power. It is the full spectrum, free of illusion. It brings warmth, joy, confidence and success. The feeling is such that it will brighten your soul and lighten your day. It is conscious energy in the raw unfiltered form. It brings focus to the mind and manifestation to the body.

The hummingbird brings energy that helps people transcend the contradiction of duality. Its hum is a purifying vibration and messenger of joy. Be ready to laugh and dance.

The power is based in the ether, yet directly affects all matter.

If you embrace the energy of The Sun, the next couple weeks will be well received!


Tarot Reporter on YouTube


AmorStyle Tarot Giveaways for March — 10 Comments

  1. Hi, wow, I’ve never really understood Tarot, but I love your mother and have been a subscriber for years plus a cyber friend, sharing heart to heart. As a retired minister myself, I now have a bit of time to explore these things that never were a priority before. You are fortunate!! Mahala is one old, old, wise and aware soul–I sure hope she’s a part of my soul group!!

  2. Pingback: What do you think of this? – Mahala ~ Planet Alert Special Edition Mid-March 2017 | English Global Awakening Portal

  3. Pingback: Planet Alert Special Edition Mid-March 2017 |

  4. Signing up now! Would you consider doing an event reading for the UK. Im sponsoring a Pachakuti Mesa Tradition authorised teacher to come to Britain in September. Its the first time it will be coming here – feels like a coming home, a cross Atlantic Hoop? The area is Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire if it takes your fancy!

  5. Hi Dave!

    Yes, everyone is racing to support Mahala. Also, you infect us with your marvelous sense of wonder and faith.

    Thank you for helping us to climb our personal mountain!

    Have a nice end of day,


  6. Hi Guillermo, I love the way people support Mahala. You will be added to the list and I can see that it’s growing fast. Enjoy The Sun! Dave

  7. Gorgeous, Mahala! Congratulations for you great new venue.

    About your giving away private Tarot Card Readings, please know if I am lucky getting one, I will pay it anyway, even if on installments depending your fee.

    Thank you for sharing with us your outstanding sense of destiny,

    Guillermo Rivera Chavez
    San Antonio, Texas

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