Guest article by Dorene Carrel @
November is a very dynamic month, with a solar and lunar eclipse, four planetary stations and challenging Mars transits. The retrograde and direct Mercury stations both occur this month, along with the direct stations of Neptune and Chiron. This period contains much transformative energy, with the potential for drastic change triggered by the upcoming Eclipse/SuperMoon. At present, much of the Northeast US is flooded and shut down from a hurricane.
Mercury in Sagittarius turns retrograde on November 6, and travels back into Scorpio until the direct station on November 26. Mercury retrograding in Sagittarius is a good time to re-examine one’s long-term goals, although it can be a challenging time for travel. Mercury re-enters Scorpio on November 13 for the rest of the cycle. This period can be used for emotional release work and re-examining one’s finances, debts and shared resources. It is best to slow down during this cycle and allow for complications, breakdowns and delays. On November 10, Neptune in Pisces turns direct, which allows us to receive more grace and clarity about our spiritual path. Since Neptune can also bring some confusion, keep your focus in the present and simplify your daily schedule.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs on November 13 at 22 Scorpio. Eclipses are powerful cycles that can signify major beginnings and endings. Those in Scorpio can bring deeper feelings, needs and fears to the surface for re-examination. Eclipses can influence events three months before they are exact and up to six months later. This Eclipse is also a SuperMoon, which intensifies emotions, events and earth changes. Wherever this degree falls in one’s natal chart can activate a planet or angle and bring greater life changes to that area over the next six months or longer. (See Eclipse Special.)
The Sabian symbol for this degree is “Hunters shooting wild ducks; the socially accepted release of an individual’s or a group’s aggressive instincts.” This message can also suggest the transformation of destructive impulses and bringing more light to darker areas.
On November 14 Chiron turns direct at 5 Pisces, which is close to the Neptune station. It also forms a grand water trine with both Saturn and Ceres. These combined forces can signal a period of greater receptivity to healing energies. This week would be favorable for scheduling special healing treatments, especially for more resistant physical conditions or old traumas.
The Sun enters Sagittarius and forms a challenging square to Neptune on November 21. It is beneficial to watch out for self-deception and overextending oneself for these few days. Venus entering Scorpio today will allow us to go deeper with our relationships. The favorable trine from Venus to Neptune the next day can attract some spiritual and soul mate connections.
On November 23, Mars in Capricorn forms a challenging square to Uranus in Aries, which can trigger rebellious urges and sudden disruptive changes. Mars also goes on to conjunct Pluto at 8 Capricorn on November 27. This combination, along with the Lunar Eclipse and Mercury station, could likely bring one of the most powerful and eventful times of the year. Be prepared for more political and earth changes. On the personal level, it is best to avoid risks and confrontations, but instead cultivate harmony and cooperation.
Mercury turns direct on November 26 at 18 Scorpio. Now we can slowly begin moving forward with our plans and goals, but it is still wise to proceed with caution due to the other volatile transits this week. Venus in Scorpio is aligned with Saturn today, which can bring challenges to our relationships and self confidence.
On November 28, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs at 7 Gemini. Gemini rules our communication, perception and sources of information. It widely aligns with Jupiter and forms a challenging square aspect with Neptune and Chiron. These aspects can expand our feeling awareness, but also result in mental confusion and deception, as what we are drawn to now can appear quite differently later on. Lunar eclipses tend to bring out hidden feelings, urges and desires. Thus it is a favorable time for journaling or other inner work that brings greater awareness of what we would like to attract into our lives at this time.
The Sabian symbols for these degrees expand on the above Jupiter/Neptune themes: “Cupid knocks at the door of a human heart; a stirring up of individual longings for romantic love,” and “A well with bucket and rope under the shade of majestic trees; man’s primordial faith in the hidden sustaining power of life.”
On November 28 and 29, Venus forms favorable sextiles to both Pluto and Mars, which helps us to attract more opportunities for love, prosperity and creative expression.
In December the Mayan Calendar ends and Uranus turns direct. Stay tuned!
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Dorene Carrel is a professional astrologer with over thirty years of experience, offering birth chart, transits/progressions and relocation astrology readings. She is certified in Astrocartography. For more information, contact Dorene at Paypal accepted.
Eclipse Special – Short email readings on your eclipse placements that will activate change and opportunities over the next six months. Email me at for more information. Please include your birth date, place, and accurate time of birth.
All references to Sabian symbols are from An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformation and Its 360 Symbolic Phases, by Dane Rudhyar.
Check out my astrology blog at for ongoing astrological observations on current events, people, trends, etc.
You might benefit from one of my astrology readings or Eclipse Reports. Please email me for more information.
Dear Dorene,
Looks like November will be another eventful month! I’ve had a tricky situation going on since mid-May this year, and was wondering how the planets etc. will affect that this month (born June 9th 1979, gmt, 7.25 pm, sun- gemini, rising- scorpio). Any info would be great! Thanks, and keep on going with these planetary reports! Regards, Kath
It looks like the next six months will bring significant life changes for you — especially with endings, new beginnings and major transformations. I have also emailed you too.
Question: The solar and lunar eclipses this month of November coincide with my natal sun 22 scorpio and moon 09 gemini plus it’s a saturn return I’m told at 60 yrs. Significance of this? Any light you shed is welcomed. Thanks, Jana
dear DORENE,
thank you very much for this planetary advice.. even if we do no t understand much of planet movemnte.. is is quite clear nd are helped to plan future plans.**
. moreover we go on accepting chnages.. key word have become for us—- LIVE IN THE PRESNET + ACCEPT.. ,—-****so we are BORN AGAIN,— after strong GETZEMANI trials and can chant again alleluiah., cbecause annaluce- ITALY FREE with violet light of S GERMAIN + US.A. we are one***
This will certainly be a powerful month! Thanks for laying out the best way to proceed. So helpful.