Opening of the Halls of Amenti October 31, 2010
Workshop by Tom Kenyon
A personal experience
For years I have known about an Arcturian Star Gate that is just down the hill from me. The Double Tree Hotel is basically on top of that Star Gate. This is where the work shop was held. Outside of that hotel is a small pond that was turned into a wild life preserve. There are picnic tables there where you can eat your lunch and enjoy nature. There is also a path around part of the lake (pond). It is an Oasis in the middle of a small city called Tukwila. The energy from this Star Gate is very powerful and can be felt for miles. I am very familiar with this energy.
Three miles from this Star Gate is an Indian Sacred Site where the Duwamish Indians say creation began. The sacred site has a hill and from this hill Archeologists have taken artifacts that are 30 million years old. This site was going to be sold for commercial purposes which upset the people around here and a group got together to raise the money to save this site and they gave it to the city of Tukwila. Volunteers helped make a path up the hill and made improvements to the site and turned it into a nature preserve.
When you walk to the top of this hill you have a beautiful view of Mt Rainier on one side and the city of Seattle on the other side. A couple of friends went with me to this site right before the work shop started and we walked to the top of the hill. We did a little ceremony and blessed the mountain. That evening the work shop started with the opening of our heart chakras. This work shop went on for two marvelous days. Between 3:00 to 4:00 pm on October 31 we opened the Halls of Amenti. After the ceremony, a friend and I went back up to the top of the mountain to do another ceremony. What a weekend!
The title of the work shop was The Crystal Palace Within and the Halls of Amenti-A Hathor Workshop.
If you don’t know who the Hathors are, look them up on the Internet. Many of the large statues in Egypt are of the Hathors. The Crystal Palace Within is our pineal gland and when opened and filled with light, brings us the energy of love, light, and rejuvenation. The Crystal Palace refers to the multidimensional and crystalline nature of the pineal gland and the activation of its unused potentials for heightened spiritual evolution. You can still activate the meditation for the pineal gland on Tom’s web site at
The first thing we did on Saturday morning was to clear and open our chakras to be ready for the opening of the halls. Tom Kenyon, who has a four octave voice, toned for us as we moved up our chakra system. It was very painful when a blockage was hit in our system. I experienced much pain in my throat chakra. I had no idea I had such a blockage in that chakra. He toned for each chakra and I could hardly wait until he finished the tone for that chakra. I didn’t have any problem with my other chakras. The seven chakras correspond with the seven seals in the Bible.
Some of you might ask “What are the halls of Amenti?” On the Earth plane The Halls of Amenti is a school, Star Gate, and a cosmic energy vortex located in the center of the Earth on the Astral Plane. The Egyptian pyramids are located in the exact center of the Earth. Amenti is an energy vortex on this planet and greatly sustains, and repairs the planet in every way.
Students of Amenti are taught the ultimate mysteries of time, space, and the nine dimensions. No one can enter the Halls unless they are invited. It is connected with the White Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Ascended Masters on this Earth plane. This Star Gate opens the doorway to the New Earth and that was opened on October 31, 2010. No one will be the same after that opening. There is now beautiful love energy flooding the Earth.
If you would like to know more about the Halls of Amenti check out the book called The Emerald Tablets of Thoth. I think it is still free to download on the Internet. Just type into your search engine-The Emerald Tablets and it will come up.
The Arcturians are a highly advanced fifth dimension christed race of Ascended Masters from the star system Arcturus. There was an Arcturian mother ship over Egypt to help with the opening. There are three shafts to Amenti. One is in Belen, New Mexico where there is an etheric 330 foot long programmed quartz crystal temple. The second is in Costa Rica where there is a shaft 60 miles above the Earth and the third is in Nepal on the edge of Tibet where the crystals are very charged.
Right after the work shop I received an email about a prophecy from Yogananda. He said in 1942 that when the United States, India, and Southeast Asia join together it would be the beginning of WORLD PEACE. Now do you see why president Obama is in India? His presence is needed there.
A lot of people were not happy with the results of our election. I look at it like 35 percent of those elected are new to our Senate or House of Representatives. They will come in with fresh new ideas and who knows what that can create. The House is ruled by the Republicans and the Senate the Democrats. They are now balanced just like Saturn in Libra which rules balance. Now balance and justice will rule.
The old will not work anymore because the energy that is here now is not aligned with it. This means that control of any kind will not work, period. No need to worry about the dark taking over because it just won’t happen, at least not for those who are of the vibration of love and light. We are, however, still in an integrating vibration. This will last for a period of time, maybe until the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2010 when there will be a lunar eclipse. This is the turning point for light workers. The Vedic Astrology is right, 2010 is the end and the new beginning. No more waiting.
However, there are still lower vibrating people on this planet and their turning point might be 2012. Mass consciousness has created a major ending at that time. I personally think we will be through most of the changes by then and that Earth will be vibrating totally in the fifth dimension.
As people release and blow away most of their trauma in the next couple of months I think there will be lots of wind on the planet in December as the Sun moves through the 13th sign of Ophiuchus/Asclepius from Nov 30 to Dec 16th. Check out the web site for an article from NASA about the interstellar winds that come from that sign during Nov and Dec.
Many years ago when I first learned about the opening of The Halls of Amenti I knew I would be there when it happened. I thought I would have to be in Egypt. I had no idea it would happen right down the hill from my house. Incidentally, my house is on a vortex. On October 31 we opened Star Gates after Star Gates. We opened them on Earth, in our solar system, our Universe, and outside our Universe. It was a massive opening. There were 500 of us in one room and 500,000 who joined us on the Internet. There were people there from 14 different countries. It was a powerful work shop.
Thank you Tom Kenyon, wife Judy, and your staff for all the work you did. It was a wonderful work shop.
Now it’s time to be grateful for what we have. Enjoy life! Send your love to Mother Earth. She deserves it for all she has put up with for so many years. Let’s help keep her clean, healthy, and unpolluted. We are in a new energy. Let’s manifest the love and abundance that we so rightly deserve. It’s finally time to celebrate, especially on the 11-11 which is Nov 11. Sing, dance, do whatever makes you happy. Dream and create your new life and send blessings to our new leaders. Live in the joy of life. So Be It!
I send you my love and blessings!
*****Mahala Gayle*****
I can be reached at
Mahala, thanks so much for all your inspiring articles….blessings & light,
Where, exactly, is the opening in Belen, NM? Thank you.
Thank you very much for this gift of information and links with Tom’s web site and the Emerald Tablets link. Abundant Blessings and Joy Suexx