Mona Klinger took these pictures in May 0f 2009 at her home in Bend, Oregon. The Orbs just appeared like magic. Have you seen Orb pictures before? I believe they are Spirit Beings visiting us just because they want to.
For more, visit her photo album. She’s kindly provided a link.
I hope you enjoyed these pictures and you might want to read her new article on Insights Into Awakening. You can either visit her website or read what I’ve copied below.
Insights Into Awakening… July, 2010
As many of you know, in my work, I read energy to release any old blockages in the body, whether it be in the mental mind, the emotional, or the physical. The Spiritual is considered “a belief in God”… actually, if I may, according to the body, it is not that. It is “How you define your life, and the way you live.” THAT is the Spiritual body. So once again, need there be judgement when all things are lessons…even positive ones???
Recently, I have had many people asking me about our future and the 2012 effect… I can say, even as a reader of the greatest of energies, “WE are designing it as a race.” I have been teaching for so long about “being in the moment”, yet it gets bypassed and misunderstood. Many “new age” teachers are saying that 2012 is a theory, or 2012 is now. I agree with both, yet if the knowledge of “living the moment” is NOT recognized, we’ll be suprised with events we may not be happy with!! The time is now to be that “drop in the water” if we want to make the world a better place! As they say, there’s no place like NOW!!! ( well, maybe I said that…) So to help in our world, we must see Earth as the life force from which we not only live on, but are ONE with. Simple concept, yet who can say they sit down and comprehend this, from your heart???
When Jesus said, “Where two or more are gathered”, I see that phrase is the most important one in our times today. Recognition of situations in truth, set us free. Talking about them, confronting hardships, etc. are great, but then we need to know once the recognition has been allowed, move on. This is how growth of Spirit works within us! Your physical body will react, especially today with the Universal energies kicked up to a higher vibration. It helps in so many ways to let go of effort, and just BE. If we see today as an “open door to possibilities”, we will find the freedom of feeling “released” and no doubt will be a happier people…just like we were originally designed to be.
July is no doubt going to have its intensities, yet this is all within the nature of our combined thoughts and decisions from the heart. Ask yourself what you feel from the inside out… not what you were told to feel…. then watch the magic happen… this is our gift. To live simply so we can simply live.
Have a beautiful July, celebrate to LIFE with the fireworks exploding into joy****
ALL MY LOVE!!! Mona~~
To make an appointment, please call 541-639-1814.
thanks Mahala,
sweet interpretation your studies show through,so in relation to JESUS,SANANDA KUMARA,ESU,IMMANUEL CHRIST-i read recently that in comparison to 2000 yrs ago some of our under takings could be considered miraculous and that we’ll do more..our barriers? us? … how about 9-9-10 a stargate
opening? only in the last few years do i remember how strong the dizzy feelings while experiencing the incoming frequencies,you were indeed a long way in front.about early nineties was when that unrelenting question entered my head,’why are we here and what … thanx Den
Thank you sweetheart!! This looks really nice on your blog! I love your blog!!!! Let’s catch up soon~ Mona