Happy New Year everyone! Here we are in 2014 already, can you believe that? And what a year it will be. We start this year with a new moon and a fast-acting cardinal cross in the heavens that will start the year off with a bang, and I am not talking about fireworks. The sun, moon, and Pluto will be conjunct on 11 degrees Capricorn in an exact square to Mars on 11 degrees Libra. This in astrology is considered a negative aspect. The planets have always had a positive and a negative side to them, just like us. Now the energy is moving into unity consciousness for most people.
The negative side of a Mars/Pluto square is impulsive actions, struggles, anger, war, and violence. The positive side of the Mars/Pluto square is the regeneration of ourselves, lots of energy, and rebellious actions that end in a peaceful way. A lot of Astrologers look at this cross and say “Oh my god”, and look for the negative side to manifest. Haven’t we gone through a paradigm shift? Isn’t it time for war to be over? When Comet Ison went by Mars it had an electrical interaction with that planet and Mars became lit up with light. I think this changed the vibration of Mars and it is now time to think of that planet as the planet of peace. We create our own reality by what we chose to perceive as our reality. I choose peace.
If the negative side manifests because people on earth are not ready for change, then there will probably continue to be violence in the countries that are ruled by Libra. Incidentally, Mars will be in Libra for nine months. Turkey, Sudan, and the better part of Africa will likely be affected by Mars energy. Of course the Middle East will also be affected by Saturn, and also the energy of Mars. This will continue for the rest of the year. Mars will also be highlighting Italy and the Vatican for the next nine months, so expect many more changes in the Vatican and the Catholic Church.
Then we will have Mars in a square aspect to Uranus, the rebellious planet. This means to expect more rebellions, strikes, revolutions and people expressing their need for freedom. This will be very dominant for the next nine months. And then the Capricorn planets will be opposing Jupiter which is in the sign of Cancer (water) so we can continue to expect more snow, storms, and flooding from the Mississippi River to the East Coast. There will continue to be lots of water events all over the world this year. The water trine is still in affect with Jupiter in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces, and Saturn in Scorpio.
Basically, as I see it, there will be a lot of changes and chaotic energy for the next nine months. The energy starts with this new moon and culminates when the planets move into a perfect cross on April 20-21. Then the planets in the cross will be on 13 degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. This is very interesting because Washington, D.C. corresponds to 13 degrees Cancer. This means that city will be the apex of the cross and we can expect changes to happen there.
With five planets in Capricorn at this new moon there will be a lot of energy focusing on that sign. Capricorn is an earth sign and there will probably be several earthquakes. There may be a large quake, or volcanic eruption in China, the Indonesian Islands, the west side of South America like Chile, or the Caribbean Islands. And there will probably be several five or six point quakes in various parts of the world. (I just heard a volcano is erupting in Indonesia).
Capricorn also rules governments, business, corporations, houses, apartments, and buildings of all kinds. Since Pluto went into Capricorn in 2009 there have been many natural disasters that have destroyed people’s homes. This added to the energy of the change we have been in since 2008 when the banks failed, and the housing bubble burst. With Pluto squaring Mars for the better part of 2014 we will probably see changes in many more governments. People are ready for freedom. I think many have reached the point where they will start demanding their freedom, not realizing that freedom comes from within.
When people say the New World Order will take over, I say they already have. We have been living under their control for eons of time. Now the planets say freedom, and there is no way to stop what is happening now. Freedom will win. Life is an illusion anyway, and this illusion is being dissolved. In fact, it is probably already gone. The only thing that is causing us to still see it is our belief system. Open your eyes and see the new way of life that is now upon us.
There are all kinds of high frequency energy waves bathing the earth with their energy. The Sun has just completed her pole shift and is ready to manifest a new cycle. Check out: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/video-sun-has-flipped-upside-down-as-new-magnetic-cycle-begins-9029378.html
We are in the Photon Belt and we will be moving through the dust tail of Ison this month. I don’t know exactly what to expect from that although we don’t have long to wait to see what happens. I know that red dust has been falling on various parts of the world lately including parts of Texas. Maybe this will neutralize the radiation from Japan, or maybe the dust field from Comet Ison will do that. If you are worried about the radiation from Japan, search the Internet for Sea salt and baking soda in neutralizing radiation. I know those two products are very good for neutralizing the body.
Our bodies have gone through tremendous changes since we started the transformation process around 1994. Our bodies are moving from being carbon based to silicon based. Pretty soon we will start glowing from all the light we are receiving from the cosmos. This transformation has been very hard to go through, especially for people who are super sensitive. Denise La Fay has put out a very interesting link. Check out her link. http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/2010/05/21/why-the-ascension-process-is-so-painful-difficult/
Then on the new moon of January 30 we will move into the year of The Wood Horse which corresponds with the sign Gemini. This means it will be a super active year. I always think of the horse, in prophecy, as the white horse Pegasus who represents Christ energy, or Christ consciousness. Isn’t it time for this energy to manifest on Earth. We are the ones we have been waiting for. Let’s move into action and start shining our light for all to see.
This year life will be hectic and we will have many adventures. People will desire to be reckless, romantic, and carefree. Action will be the key word this year. The economy will be on an up-swing, according to Chinese Astrology, and the horse will want to throw out the old and welcome in the new. Doesn’t that sound good?
This is the time when light workers will really be needed on this planet to bring in the new paradigm. If more people would gather together with like-minded friends to focus on creating the new paradigm, I think we will be able to get through this year much easier. The Convening of Light gathering we had here in Seattle on December 8 was very successful. On the same day there was also a gathering of people from The Children of the Sun group in Australia. We have yet to see what will come from those gatherings. Hopefully we started the ball rolling in a good direction.
We live in a changing world. Aren’t you glad you are here to witness the world become a planet of light? I think it is very exciting. The Goddess energy has returned and we are about to enter a whole new paradigm. So Be It!
Written in love and light!
*****Mahala Gayle*****
I can be reached at planetalert@hotmail.com Please feel free to send me an email-it’s always fun to get feedback, or a donation if you are so inclined. Go to paypal and look for planetalert@hotmail.com Lots of love and blessings to everyone and may this year be blessed with joy and happiness.
Thank you for your post!
“Believing” is an aspect of “being” in one moment, then in the next instant “leaving” (be-leave)… Just Be…
That’s so.
It will be: 2014 = CAOS (7=7).
Humans have a great power to modify their reality and future time: the WILLPOWER.
Elites and rules know this very well, so they destroy this power by zombieing personality.
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Pingback: Mahala – Planet Alert January 2014 – 1 January 2014 | sweetwillowman
I can’t figure out where Mona went……Do you know if she’s still in Bend? If you talk to her tell her that I’m sending her big fat New year Hugs!
Thank You,
Karen Meece….
and Thank You for your web info!