by Alison Dhuanna This month’s Venus Gate opening the Ajna center is immensely powerful. As Venus has been ascending, she has been initiating the small fearful self to the bold Immortal Self. The party begins with the New Moon on … Continue reading
by Alison Dhuanna, UK Astrologer So gentle and yet relentless, the powerful cosmic waves open us from finite, small and afraid to heroines and heroes, boundless and immortal. The sun caresses the pure white petals of the lotus in the … Continue reading
by Alison Dhuanna, UK Astrologer Today is an awesome New Moon in the Lion’s Gate, aligned with the Sacred Geometry of the rising star Sirius offering us such help in these transforming times. The New Moon today is at 16 … Continue reading
by Alison Dhuanna, UK Astrologer If you have been following my writings you will know I am on a deep exploration of Venus in her cycle with the Sun, Moon and other planets. If you have just joined this train, … Continue reading
by Alison Dhuanna, UK Astrologer We are in one of the most important phases of human history where genetically we are undergoing a mutation, but what is this towards? One of the terms used to describe the future human is … Continue reading
by Alison Dhuanna In the cycle of Venus and the Moon we reach Inanna’s mythical ascent through the ‘Sacral chakra’ portal on the 12th June 2021 just two days after the Solar Eclipse. This month’s Venus Moon conjunction (aka Kumari Kiss) … Continue reading
by Alison Dhuanna, UK Astrologer Are Astrologers always so excited? I feel that I am right now with the Solar Eclipse in Gemini and all the other many transits causing a lot of tension, but also, we see evolution pushing … Continue reading
by Alison Dhuanna A couple of days ago, I felt really called to write a blog about Mercury’s current transit of Gemini and almost immediately received a post from Space Weather to say Mercury has a tail like a comet … Continue reading
by Alison Dhuanna During the recent 9 day Navratri Spring Festival, which started the day after the Venus Moon conjunction 12th April, I was able to deeply tune into Lalita the Creation Indian Goddess through a special meditation and discover … Continue reading
Guest article by Alison Dhuanna Having followed Venus on her Inanna decent through Seven gates (Venus Moon conjunctions in the descending cycle), releasing so much in the way of old attachments, it feels such a magical moment to be in … Continue reading