Mahala and I are excited to inform you that Mona has a new workshop coming up that is all about Sound as Medicine! At 10 am Pacific time on December 14th (this Saturday), she’s having a FREE video event that … Continue reading
It is exciting to watch Mona go through the prelaunch phase for her next book – The Body Awakens – which will be available on the 9th of this month! The day before she made the video (that’s linked below,) … Continue reading
By Mona Delfino @ Sacred Reconnections I have been seeing and working with many people recently, and much of what I am working with is helping people open to “awareness.” I was also woken up at 3am the other morning … Continue reading
Spring is here along with very high frequency waves of light. Schumann information from Jelelle Awen on Facebook. Poem by Brian Roberts @ LifeseedCodes. Cycles I find a kindness in stillness right now. Movement will return only later. A peace … Continue reading
Guest article by Mona @ Sacred Reconnections Ever since we were children living with our parents, siblings and others, we became engrained in our environment. We began to believe that what we saw, heard, and witnessed was the reality that … Continue reading
Hi everyone: After my article was sent out last Saturday, I received four emails that I thought you might be interested in reading. The first one is called Revisiting the Duono Prophecy. This prophecy was made in 1944 and sums … Continue reading
by Brian Roberts @ LifeseedCodes A Life Seed Code Poem Taking a breath into the new fresh space. Within my heart a wholesome place, Now that the freedom bells have rung. New mantras to sing and songs to be sung. No … Continue reading
For all the community members, there are a few new reports that have been posted for you. You’ll find a Vedic, Fixed Stars, Circular Temple degree meanings and a collection of degree meanings. These new reports should be found at … Continue reading
We just watched a blue wave of women come to the foreground to help change the energy in the United States government. Our government has been male dominant for a long time and I think we have needed some soft … Continue reading
I (Dave) found it interesting that Alison woke up inspired to talk about the inferior solar conjunction of Venus at the same time I was inspired to mention it. I posted a video on my new website (Inferior Solar Conjunction … Continue reading