Welcome to 2016, the year of many changes on all levels. Last year was a number 8 year and that number rules birth, death, and money. Speaking of money; I just saw on the web that a huge amount of … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2015
Here is a link to Monday’s radio show. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/renford/2015/12/08/cosmic-contacts-with-pam-and-mahala-world-astrologer … Continue reading
Radio show announcement for Monday 4:30 pm PST. From Pam: Welcome Everyone to the Cosmic Contacts Show! To easily access the internet radio show go www.blogtalkradio.com/renford, every Monday at 4:30 pm PST or 6:30 pm CST My ‘special guest’ this Monday December 7th., is … Continue reading
Guest article by Alison Dhuanna Mahala’s blog about the Paris situation and karma has led to a lot of discussion and deep thought about the issues surrounding national karma and the often very distressing ways in which it is acted out … Continue reading
Guest article By Dorene Carrel December is a dynamic month, highlighted by Uranus in Aries turning direct the same day as the December 25 Full Moon. This cycle begins with energetic Mars aspects to Uranus and Pluto from December 6-10, … Continue reading
Guest article by Tazz Powers (Original) Website: http://tazzandpaulashow.com/ Hi! Everyone… Over the last few days … I’ve realized that some emails continue to project thoughts that are really quite harmful in nature to not only our Mother Earth but ourselves as … Continue reading
What is causing all of the violence in the world? Could it have something to do with time-lines? Are we being pushed back from a 5D time-line into a 4 D world where chaos exists? It sure looks like we … Continue reading
Guest article by Mona Delfino. Look for her in the December issue of the Law of Attraction magazine! email: twentyhawks@yahoo.com We are certainly living in changing times! Everyone we speak to today seems to be experiencing internal shifts in their … Continue reading
Guest article By Alison, UK Astrologer In microcosm and the macrocosm there is an acceleration of the light connecting the forces of gravity in the galaxy, the soil of the Earth and our bodies. This light is travelling through billions … Continue reading